Internet Resources for Geology and Human Health
A collection of internet resources intended to help faculty in teaching or designing courses and activities related to geology and public health. Resources include data, images, animations, activities, literature and references.
Health Topics
- Airborne Transport Processes 27 matches
- Analytical Techniques 5 matches
- Biogenic Hazards 14 matches
- Controls on Bioavailability 7 matches
- Epidemiology and Risk Analysis 47 matches
- Gases 11 matches
- Heavy Metals 28 matches
- Minerals 20 matches
- Organic Compounds 18 matches
- Other 25 matches
- Public Policy 18 matches
- Radionuclides 11 matches
- Waterborne Transport Processes 45 matches
Results 41 - 50 of 133 matches
International Chromium Development Association part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This professional organization works to promote the chromium industry, from mining and production to industry and health. The site provides abundant information about the properties, sources and uses ...Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Collection
Climate, Ecosystems, and Infectious Disease part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This online book evaluates the current understanding of the linkages among climate, ecosystems, and infectious disease. It outlines the research needed to improve the understanding of these linkages ...Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work
Waste Incineration and Public Health part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This online book examines how contaminants are released by incineration, environmental dynamics of contaminants and routes of human exposure, approaches for assessing possible human health effects, ...Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work
Toxicity Testing part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This report explains how many chemicals used in pesticides, cosmetics, drugs, food, and commerce have not been sufficiently tested to allow a complete determination of their potential hazards. The ...Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work
A Town Left To Die part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This site provides links to a collection of Seattle Post-Intelligencer newspaper articles about the history of asbestos-contaminated vermiculite mining in Libby, Montana. Topics of the articles ...Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Collection
Health Effects of Toxic Organic Compounds from Coal part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This USGS fact sheet summarizes the occurrence of Balkan Endemic Nephropathy, a serious kidney disease that occurs only in tributary valleys of the Danube River in Romania, Bulgaria, and the former ...Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work, Audio/Visual:Images/Illustrations
Asbestiform Fibers: Non-occupational Health Risks part of SERC Web Resource Collection
Much of the more than 30 million tons of asbestos used in the United States since 1900 is still present as insulation in offices and schools, as vinyl-asbestos flooring in homes, and in other common ...Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work
Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This NASA website documents the detection, tracking and measurement of volcanic eruption plumes from space. The site features an image archive of satellite data that has been used to create maps and ...Resource Type: Datasets and Tools:Datasets, Audio/Visual:Images/Illustrations
Earth Materials and Public Health part of SERC Web Resource Collection
This is a journal article that describes the current status of five well-known earth materials that regulatory agencies, such as the EPA, have identified as significant health risks. The article ...Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Overview/Reference Work
Supercourse: Epidemiology, the Internet, and Global Health part of SERC Web Resource Collection
The Supercourse is an online library of lectures from more than 10,000 faculty in 151 countries. This site allows users to search an extensive collection of over 1,770 lectures on epidemiology, ...Resource Type: Scientific Resources:Collection