Recommended Resources
General References
Whitmeyer, Steven J., Mogk, David W., and Pyle, Eric J. (eds.) (2009) Field Geology Education: Historical Perspectives and Modern Approaches GSA Special Papers 461. ISBN: i978-0-8137-2461-4.
Whitmeyer, Steve and Mogk, David (2009) Geoscience Field Education: A Recent Resurgence, Eos, Vol. 90, No. 43, 385–396.
De Caprariis, Pascal P. (2002) Developing Successful Learning Strategies in Structural Geology , Journal of Geoscience Education v50 no2 p145-149.
Orion, Nir and Hofstein, Avi (1994) Factors That Influence Learning during a Scientific Field Trip in a Natural Environment , Journal of Research in Science Teaching v31 n10 p1097-1119
From the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT):
- NAGT Teaching in the Field program and field trip collection. This part of the NAGT website also contains a set of pages on Safety in the Field drawn from work by Barbara Tewksbury of Hamilton College.
- Special Issue of JGE: Teaching in the Field, March 2006
- Strategies for Successful NAGT Field Trips
Research on Learning
Bibliography of over 120 references on Teaching in the Field compiled by David Mogk (part of the Synthesis of Research on Thinking and Learning in the Geosciences project).
- Compton, 1985 Geology in the Field - A textbook for instructors: summarizes field and lab techniques, interpretation, and the art of writing a report.
- Freeman, Tom, 1999, Procedures in Field Geology: Blackwell, 128 p. (Reference for use of compasses and measuring attitudes on the outcrop).
- Maley, Terry S., 2005, Field Geology Illustrated: Mineral Land Publications, 704 p.
- Walker, J. Douglas and Harvey A. Cohen, compilers, 2006, Geoscience Handbook: The AGI Data Sheets, 4th Edition: American Geological Institute, 316 p.
Field Guides
- The Montana-Yellowstone Geologic Field Guide Database - The Montana-Yellowstone Geologic Field Guide Database is a pilot project for making the field guide literature more accessible and useful to geoscience educators, students, and researchers. While the database is not an exhaustive listing of every published field guide, nor does it provide direct links to the full text of each reference (except for a few unpublished field guides which are reproduced as pdf files), the database is a fully-searchable listing of 50 of the best references for exploring the geology of this fascinating region.
- Pacific Northwest Section Field Trip Guidebooks
- Far West Section Publications
- Field Guides - Illustrated field guides for sites near Bozeman and Big Sky, MT.
- Geologic Guidebooks of North America Database: This database from AGI and the Geoscience Information Society contains bibliographic references and location for published field guides.
- Barnes, John W. and Richard J. Lisle, 2004, Basic Geological Mapping (Geological Field Guide), 4th Edition: Wiley, 196 p.
- Brassington, Rick, 2007, Field Hydrogeology (Geological Field Guide): Wiley, 276 p.
- Milsom, John, 2003, Field Geophysics (Geological Field Guide), 3rd edition: Wiley, 244 p.
- Tucker, Maurice E., 2003, Sedimentary Rocks in the Field (Geological Field Guide), 3rd Edition: Wiley, 244 p.
- E-library of field trip guides to sites in the US and Canada (more info) - The University of Texas at Austin has compiled this e-library of field trip guides on their Walter Geology Library website.
Topical Guides
- Field Notes - These notes by Dave Mogk, Montana State University-Bozeman, provide mineralogy instructors with helpful tips for a successful field trip, including research-based information on overcoming students' barriers to learning in the field.
- Fry, Norman, 1991, The Field Description of Metamorphic Rocks, New ed.: Wiley, 128 p.
- Hubbard, Bryn and Neil F. Glasser, 2005, Field Techniques in Glaciology and Glacial Geomorphology: Wiley, 412 p.
- McClay, K. R., 1991, The Mapping of Geological Structures, New Ed., 168 p.
- Stow, Dorrick A. W., 2005, Sedimentary Rocks in the Field: A Color Guide : Academic Press, 352 p.
- Thorpe, Richard and Geoffrey Brown, 1991, The Field Description of Igneous Rocks, New ed.: Wiley, 160 p.
A unique way of presenting information about field skills in the context of the geology of a specific area:
- Nicholas, C. J. 2000, Exploring Geology on the Isle of Arran: A Set of Field Exercises that Introduce the Practical Skills of Geological Science : Cambridge University Press, 248 p.