Energy Hog Advertising Campaign
Students are asked to design an alternative to the Energy Hog Ads developed by the Depatment of Energy. This advertising campaign was launched in 2004 to encourage children and their parents to engage in energy efficient behavior.
Second semester general chemistry course
Skills and concepts that students must have mastered
- Ability to navigate the web
- Familiarity with energy units
- Ability to interpret thermodynamic data
- Familiarity with combustion processes
- Familiarity with nuclear energy
How the activity is situated in the course
The activity is a stand-alone project though its due date corresponds with completing units on thermodynamics and reduction-oxidation chemistry.
Content/concepts goals for this activity
- Estimate energy content of fuels
- Recognize common fuels
Higher order thinking skills goals for this activity
- Analysis of data
- Critical evaluation of competing energy sources/uses
Other skills goals for this activity
- Searching the web
- Preparing a poster
- Working in groups
Description of the activity/assignment
Students are asked to design a poster as an alternative to the Energy Hog ad campaign released by the DOE in 2004. Students are asked to address where our energy comes from how it is used and what might be involved in moving towards non-petroleum resources. They are directed to begin at the DOE and EIA Energy Information Agency websites but may pursue any other resources they deem necessary. This activity provides a real-world context for thermodynamic and electrochemical concepts presented in the second semester of general chemistry.
Determining whether students have met the goals
The poster is evaluated on the presence or absence of three criteria:
- How energy is consumed in the United States and where that energy is derived from.
- A synopsis of what each group determines is the most likely transition to non-petroleum fuel sources assuming the availability of current technologies and how that would likely impact economic and lifestyle realities in the United States.
- Suggestions as to what people might do both in the short-term and long-term in preparation for such eventualities.
Extra Credit is available if as evaluated by department faculty members any one poster is deemed to be unanimously the best poster in meeting the above three criteria.
Teaching materials and tips
Energy Hog Alternative PSA (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 14kB May4 09)
Other Materials