Workshop Program

All times in Central Time.

Jump down to:Day 1, Wed| Day 2, Thu |Day 3, Fri |Weekend |Monday/Tuesday |Day 4, Wed |Day 5, Thu |Day 6, Fri

Pre workshop preparation: Web-based exploration of resources currently available. Check out the current collections of Deep Earth Teaching Activities, Visualization Collections, and Topical Resources. Helps us to continue to build these collections: contribute any teaching activities you already have developed, and recommend journal articles and URLs that may be useful in teaching about Deep Earth.

Please introduce yourself to the workshop. Let us know a bit about yourself--what are your interests about Deep Earth, what do you currently teach about Deep Earth, what are your expectations for this workshop? Post your responses on Threaded Discussion I.

Day 1: Wednesday, February 17

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An Introduction to Research and Teaching About Deep Earth Science

10:00-11:30 AM: Introductory Remarks (Watch the Screencast (MP4 Video 125.9MB Jul31 17))

Discussion: Q/A via Chat, and moderated live discussion.

Threaded Discussion II: What are the educational opportunities that can be developed to showcase this Deep Earth science? What types of activities or resources could be developed? Where can Deep Earth science be introduced in the geoscience curriculum (e.g. mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, geophysics courses...)? Let us know what would be useful: tutorials on topic X (webpages or powerpoints); annotated bibliographies from the literature for deeper exploration by students; problem sets; annotated visualization collections, laboratory exercises;... Check out the list of Hot Topics that the conveners started to stimulate ideas for teaching about the Deep earth.


1:00-2:00 PM: Plenary Talk (Watch the Webcast (MP4 Video 94.1MB Jul31 17))

Gene Humphreys, University of Oregon: Upper Mantle Tomography Beneath the Western U.S. and Clues on the Fate of Farallon Slab Subducted During the Laramide (PowerPoint 18.2MB Feb18 10). Discussion: Q/A via Chat, and moderated live discussion.


Threaded Discussion II cont'd: What are the educational opportunities that can be developed to showcase this Deep Earth science? What types of activities or resources could be developed? Where can Deep Earth science be introduced in the geoscience curriculum (e.g. mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, geophysics courses...)? Let us know what would be useful: tutorials on topic X (webpages or powerpoints); annotated bibliographies from the literature for deeper exploration by students; problem sets; annotated visualization collections, laboratory exercises;... Check out the list of Hot Topics that the conveners started to stimulate ideas for teaching about the Deep earth.

Road Check: Please take a few minutes and tell us how is the workshop going so far. We're particularly interested in knowing how the distance format and technology are working.

Day 2: Thursday, February 18

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Listen to the Audio for the morning session (MP3 Audio 84.7MB Feb22 10)

10:00-10:30 AM: Report Out on Threaded Discussion II (PowerPoint 264kB Feb22 10)
10:30-11:30 AM: Plenary Talk

Brennan Jordan, University of South Dakota: The Plume Controversy--Getting Students Engaged with Science and the Conduct of Science (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.9MB May17 10) 
Discussion: Q/A via Chat, and moderated live discussion.


Listen to the Audio for the afternoon session (MP3 Audio 85.4MB Feb22 10)

1:00-2:00 PM: Presentation

Ray Russo; University of Florida: Teaching Deep Seismic Imaging/Tomography to Undergraduates (PowerPoint 17.6MB Feb18 10) 
Discussion: Q/A via Chat, and moderated live discussion.

2:00 PM: Introduction to the SERC Content Management System; How to develop an ActivitySheet.--John McDaris, SERC

Threaded Discussion III: "I will be developing an activity on (....), and would like to work in a group to help me (explore ideas, find data and tools, discuss teaching strategies)..." Your input in this discussion will help us form small working groups that will meet in the next part of the workshop.

Homework: Identify the title, goals and provide a short description of an activity that you want to work on. Upload this information onto a new ActivitySheet in the Content Management System.

Day 3: Friday, February 19

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Practical Advice and Examples of Teaching Deep Earth

10:00-11:30 AM: Panel on existing approaches to teaching about deep earth. (Watch the Sreencast (MP4 Video 114.5MB Jul31 17))

Discussion: Q/A via Chat, and moderated live discussion.



1:00-2:00 PM: Presentation (Watch the Screencast (MP4 Video 68MB Aug2 17))

Dave Mogk, Montana State: Best practices in teaching--lessons from research on learning (PowerPoint 292kB Feb19 10)
Discussion: Q/A via Chat, and moderated live discussion

2:00-2:30 PM: Developing Activities: Working groups will be identified, and this planning session will get the groups started. Use of small group teleconference services and private web-based WorkSpace Pages to support development of instructional activities (share ideas, aggregate resources).

Homework: Small working groups will continue to develop teaching activities. 1) Groups and individuals meet off-line at times you will schedule on your own; use this time to share ideas, help find resources, review each other's work; 2) Contribute to threaded discussion to identify specific challenges you encounter as you develop your activity. Start new discussion threads as issues arise. 3) Check in with the conveners to give us updates about progress made, areas where you might need help. Don't forget to make use of the collections of Deep Earth Teaching Activities, Visualization Collections, and Topical Resources for inspiration and materials to repurpose for your activity.

Road Check: Please tell us how the workshop is going so far.


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Assignment: Work individually at your office or in small groups to complete a first draft of your activity and submit prior to 9:00 Central time on Wednesday. These drafts will be reviewed by the members of your working group. Check out the Activity Design pages for some guidance on what make an effective activity.

Threaded Discussions: Start new threaded discussions to address questions regarding a) science content, and b) instructional approaches. Let the group know what challenges you are facing, and solicit group response of how to address those challenges (e.g. where to find information/data; how to handle classroom situations...)

Work Groups: Convene your group according to your schedule (or as sub-groups) Use the call in number provided for a conference call. Use the WorkPage to post questions, make lists, share resources. Use the email addresses we sent out to contact colleagues individually. Check in with the conveners and let us know when you plan to meet and we'll join your call. Or contact us for individual input.

Group 1 Mineral Physics
Call-in Number: 1.800.704.9804 ; Access Code: expired
Group Members: Glenn Richard, Pam Burley, Kanani Lee, Wendy Panero, Laura Wetzel, Ann Courtier, Abby Kavner, Wendy Mao

Group 2 Seismology
Call-in Number: 1.800.704.9804 ; Access Code: expired
Group Members: John Taber, Ray Russo, Vince Cronin, Anna Courtier, Catherine Cooper, Gene Humphreys, Mike Brudzinski, Ed Garnero

Group 3 Petrology/Geochemistry
Call-in Number: 1.800.704.9804 ; Access Code: expired
Group Members: Brennan Jordan, Catherine Cooper, Ben Edwards, Dave Mogk, Merry Cai, Eric Christiansen, Suzanne Baldwin

Group 4 Introductory Geology/Nature of Science/General Public
Call-in Number: 1.800.704.9804 ; Access Code: expired
Group Members: Vince Cronin, Barbara Graham, Declan DePaor, Vicki Hansen, Suzanne Baldwin, Pam Burnley, Laura Wetzel, Ben Edwards, Glenn Richard, John Taber

Monday and Tuesday

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Continue to work individually and in small groups. Please check in daily and give us a progress report (e-mail to conveners). Conveners will be available 11-2 Central Time if you would like us to join your group for some extra feedback. Or, schedule an alternate time for the conveners to meet with your group (or individually).

Day 4: Wednesday, February 24

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Finish your draft activity by 9 AM (CST).

Review of Activities

10:00-11:30 AM: Introduction to review process (whole group meets). --Dave Mogk

Then, work independently off-line work to answer the review questions for each member of your group. Send reviews by e-mail or post to your group's workspace.


1:00-2:00 PM: Small working groups convene via teleconference services to share reviews.

2:00-2:30 PM: Whole group meets to share ideas from small group sessions of broad interest. Instructions for tomorrow.

Assignment: Continue to revise your activity based on review feedback.

Threaded Discussion: Identify any challenges that you've encountered that can be addressed by the group.

Day 5: Thursday, February 25

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Reflection--What have you learned, what do we still need to know?

Today is mostly an independent work day to finish up your new activities. But, don't hesitate to contact the conveners, staff or colleagues if you need input or help.

12:00 PM -1:00; Small group discussion. Use this time to check in with your groups if you would like, or possibly schedule a time that better meets your schedule.

Daily Goal: Finish up your new teaching activity and post before 10 AM Friday for the Gallery Walk!

Day 6: Friday, February 26

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Outcomes: New Teaching Activities, and Getting the Word Out!

Before 10:00 AM: Final activities posted

10:00-11:00 AM: Virtual Gallery Walk showcasing new activities; feedback collected as annotations on Activity Sheet (virtual sticky notes)
11:00-11:30 AM: Summary of poster event--What topics have been addressed, how can we promote the use of these new activities in geoscience courses, what lessons have been learned? (Whole Group Discussion, conference call in and Elluminate)


1:00-2:00 PM: Closing Plenary Session (Watch the Screencast (MP4 Video 356.8MB Aug1 17)

Micheal Wysession, Washington University Teaching Deep Earth Across the Curriculum (PowerPoint 26.4MB Mar1 10) 
Discussion Q/A via Chat, and moderated live discussion

2:00-2:30: Wrap-up; next steps (theme session at GSA/AGU?); workshop evaluation.