Activities in Progress

These activities are in the process of being developed by workshop participants. Participants can view each other's work but will be asked to log in to their SERC account to do so.

In addition to the activities listed below, two participants are developing more extended resources on Multi-Anvil Techniques (Pamela Burnley) and Synchrotron Techniques (Kanani Lee). Participants have access to see and comment on these pages even though they are in a different part of the site.

Results 1 - 20 of 21 matches

How do Faults Slip: Earthquakes versus Episodic Tremor and Slip part of Deep Earth:Activities
Mike Brudzinski, Miami University-Oxford
A comparison of earthquakes and episodic tremor and slip using GPS and seismic data to illustrate how faults slip.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Wave Interference part of Deep Earth:Activities
Glenn Richard, SUNY at Stony Brook
This activity engages students in the exploration of interference between sinusoidal wave forms. They use an interactive applet to manipulate the phase, wavelength, amplitude, and phase velocity of two waveforms ...

Finding the Moho under Milwaukee part of Deep Earth:Activities
Vince Cronin, Baylor University
A seismogram was recorded at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee by Keith Sverdrup during the explosive demolition of a section of the nearby Hoan Bridge on December 28, 2000. The explosive demolition and ...

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Determining Mantle Temperature and Composition from Discontinuities part of Deep Earth:Activities
Anna Courtier, University of Wisconsin-Madison
This pair of activities uses observations of mantle discontinuity structure to examine mantle heterogeneity and differences in the depth extent of melt sources for ridges and "hotspots." The first ...

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Bragg's Law part of Deep Earth:Activities
Glenn Richard, SUNY at Stony Brook
"ON A COLD WINTER DAY IN DECEMBER, 1955, Robert Wentorf Jr. walked down to the local food co-op in Niskayuna, New York, and bought a jar of his favorite crunchy peanut butter. This was no ordinary shopping ...

Adopt a Blob part of Deep Earth:Activities
Catherine Cooper, Washington State University- Pullman
Blobs are everywhere in the deep Earth! Students will adopt a "blob" and develop the various associated observable anomalies for it (tomography, gravity, etc). There could also be a potential for students ...

Scientific debate: Mantle plumes part of Deep Earth:Activities
Brennan Jordan, University of South Dakota
A structured format for a debate of the mantle plume hypothesis and alternative hypotheses with supporting materials.

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

What does the core/mantle boundary look like? part of Deep Earth:Activities
Suzanne Baldwin, Syracuse University
This activity explores how earth scientists infer what materials are present at the core mantle boundary and what this boundary might look like. It provides students with the opportunity to contribute to the ...

Tomography? How do we know what is below our feet? part of Deep Earth:Activities
Barbara Graham, College of Southern Nevada
A short Powerpoint presentation that introduces seismic topography to begin understanding how scientists infer the interior of the earth. Followed with a crossword puzzle to encourage vocabulary.

Waves Go Deep part of Deep Earth:Activities
Ed Garnero, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
This classroom experiment demonstrates bending wave fronts in a medium as velocity increases with depth. Each row in the classroom models an earth layer and students in that row have a "property" (how ...

How do modeled P-wave travel times compare with travel times for an actual earthquake? part of Deep Earth:Activities
Vince Cronin, Baylor University
Students use published travel times for a standard radial-earth model, acquire similar data for a significant earthquake from a web-accessible seismic-data center (or from their teacher), and compare the observed ...

Modeling Mantle Minerals part of Deep Earth:Activities
Laura Wetzel, Eckerd College
Students better understand crystal chemistry by building minerals with easy to use modeling kits.

Comparing Solar System and Chondrite Elemental Compositions part of Deep Earth:Activities
Ben Edwards, Dickinson College
This assignment gives students a broad picture of the distribution of elements in the solar system and in C1 chondritic meteorites. It helps students review the concept of Atomic Numbers as a way to describe ...

light diffraction part of Deep Earth:Activities
Wendy Panero, Ohio State University-Main Campus
Demonstrates the concept of diffraction through a variety of lattice types using a laser pointer and printed gratings.

One-Di Earth Model Toy Model part of Deep Earth:Activities
Abby Kavner, University of California-Los Angeles
Excel toy model (Excel 333kB Feb26 10) This is a toy model combining mineral physics and seismology for the deep Earth. This is an excel spread sheet with PREM (preliminary reference Earth model) wavespeeds and ...

Interrogating the EarthChem Deep Lithosphere Petrological Dataset part of Deep Earth:Activities
Dave Mogk, Montana State University-Bozeman
The EarthChem Deep Lithosphere Petrological Dataset provides global geochemical data for xenoliths and exposed sections of Deep Earth. This service provides an unprecedented opportunity to characterize the ...

What Does Seismic Anisotropy Reveal About the Deep Earth? part of Deep Earth:Activities
Eric Christiansen, Brigham Young University
The objective of this assignment is to help students describe the cause of shear wave splitting and explain what it reveals about deep Earth structure and dynamics by examining the recent literature on the topic.

How do we know? part of Deep Earth:Activities
Vicki Hansen, University of Minnesota-Duluth
Students in groups of 4-5 are charged with making posters that explain various first order concepts/facts about the Earth's interior, including articulating the 'embedded' assumptions. Posters are ...

Structural transitions in olivine part of Deep Earth:Activities
Wendy Mao, Stanford University
Students use a crystal structure visualization program (e.g. VESTA) to study how the major mineral of the upper mantle, olivine, changes with depth.

Imaging the Earth through tomography part of Deep Earth:Activities
John Taber, EarthScope Consortium
Students will learn the basics of how a tomographic model is created.