Initial Publication Date: April 12, 2012
Assignment #2 (between the April and May sessions)
By Friday, April 13, end of day
- Complete the road check to let us know how the workshop is going for you.
By Saturday, April 28, end of day
- Read the Grand
Challenges, Frontiers, and Leading Edge Ideas in Geochemistry page or the Grand
Challenges, Frontiers, and Leading Edge Ideas in /MineralogyPetrology page, and add your comments to the group
pages that you didn't work on on Thursday. Do this before you start
working on your own assignment/activity assignment for the May session.
- Outline at least one assignment/activity for your course, and enter the information on your activity workspace page (which can be linked from the Participant Workspaces Index. Your workspace page draft must be be completed by Saturday, April 28.
By Monday, April 30, end of day
- Start discussion threads, if you wish.
- Read and comment on the the activity/assignment ideas of at least the people in your main group by Monday, April 30.
By Wednesday, May 2, end of day
- Revise your activity workspace page by Wednesday, May 2.
- Read and respond to discussion threads;
- If you want to have a phone or Skype consultation with Barb or David, please send an email.