Initial Publication Date: May 19, 2005
Biocomplexity Breakout Session II
Questions for consideration:- How are we teaching biocomplexity in the geosciences today?
- Where are the opportunities in geoscience courses and curricula to teach about biocomplexity?
- What could we be teaching, what resources do we need, and what are the best practices?
Integrating Biocomplexity into a K-12 Curriculum
What do we want to achieve?
- Identify flagship schools willing to approach science through a biocomplexity perspective. (Need grants)
- Identify universities willing to collaborate with these schools
- Develop informational packet in clear language
- Email Lists
- Web
- Other
- NSTA workshop to identify interested and appropriate parties
- Consultants
Who will lead?
- a) Carol—white paper contribution
- b) Dan—develop pamphlet and investigate grants
- c) Dave—NSTA connections
- d) Molly—web design
Opportunities in geoscience courses and curricula to teach about biocomplexity
- Teacher Ed
- Familiarity with surroundings
- Environmental processes
- Make scientists
- Students
- Familiarity with surroundings
- Cover science standards and link to social sciences
General Ed
- Hazards
- Climate change
- Local geology and parks
- History of life
- Geoarchaeology
- Human and earth interactions
- Planetary geology
Assessment mechanisms
Geology/geography majors
- Climatology
- Soils and biogeography
- Oceanography
- Geomorphology
- Hydrology
- Isotope geochemistry
- Sedimentology
- Biogeography
- Microbiology
- Ecology, evolution of life
- Astrobiology
- Senior research
Graduate students
- Greater flexibility
- Capstone/review courses
- Inquiry-based, expanding linkages
Student needs
- Limited time/schedule
- Need to get a job
- How best served?
System based approach
- System
- What are the questions?
- Brainstorming questions (exploration of student background)
- Add content and focus
- Synthesis
- Study linkages
- Produce concept maps
- Produce models
How are we teaching biocomplexity?
- What?
- Who? (Students vs. external groups)
- How? (Not easy!)
What: Examples of courses and programs
- Scientific Foundation of Environmental Sciences (Grad level)
- Holistic Thought and Management (Senior level)
- Global Cycles (Junior level)
- Earth System Science for Educators (Educators)
- Residential Program at Yellowstone National Park (K-12)
- Concept vs. Content
- Presentation Style
- Relevance
- Project Style
- Critical thinking
- Models as tools to understand complexity (knowledge to models)
- Students, required courses or elective
- Perceptions of other faculty
- Taking risk, not traditional
- Curriculum objectives
- What do you want your students to know and do?
- Employers
- Graduate schools
Best Practices
- Use what's outside your door, whether it's pristine or not
- Use databases
- Go out in the field!!!
- Build models, such as simple Excel models
- Collaborate!
- Leverage other programs
- Non-traditional sources
- Video clips
- Music
- Poetry
- Professional development—learning new disciplines
Political Resources
- Administrative support
- Use administrative language in proposals
- Yellowstone Park Kids (K—16)
- Plant ecology modeling
- Service Learning