Initial Publication Date: August 25, 2006
Share Fair Demonstrations
During the Share Fair, participants were able to share exercises, labs, course outlines and other ideas that they have used while teaching biocomplexity in the earth sciences. Some of the resources are linked below.
Biogeology course outline (Excel 37kB May28 03) by Bruce Fouke (Excel format).
Hypothetical Oceans (PowerPoint 6.1MB May28 03), an exercise by Carol Pride (PowerPoint, 7MB).
A field exercise, Gregory Canyon Field Trip: Vegetation-Environment Relationships (Microsoft Word 89kB May29 03), by Kathleen Farley (Microsoft Word format)
Over 100 Web Resources to Assist in Biocoomplexity Instruction (Microsoft Word 450kB Jun6 03), (Word file, 450 KB)compiled by Mark Francek.
Resources from Ken Kolm:(all are Microsoft Word format)Earth and Environmental Systems course outline (Microsoft Word 35kB May29 03)
Earth and Environmental Systems final exam (Microsoft Word 63kB May29 03)
Environmental Systems Analysis course outline (Microsoft Word 34kB May29 03)
Environmental Systems Analysis Lab #1, Surface Characterization Overlays, Data, and Analysis (Microsoft Word 26kB May29 03)
Environmental Systems Analysis Lab #2, Canyonlands Environmental/Hydrological Systems Analysis (Microsoft Word 27kB May29 03)
Environmental Systems Analysis final exam (Microsoft Word 37kB May29 03)
Mathematical Modeling of Environmental Systems course outline (Microsoft Word 30kB May29 03)
Park City Watershed Hydrologic System Hierarchical Analysis Flow Diagram (Microsoft Word 25kB May29 03)