SGT Forum banner 2016

Sonoma State University

Rohnert Park, California, August 1-3, 2016

2 days of field trips and short courses before and after the meeting

***Registration and abstract submission deadline has been extended to Monday, May 30, 5 pm PDT***

SGTF is an interactive venue for discussing important frontiers, new ideas, and current research in structural geology and tectonics. The Forum also provides opportunities to discuss effective teaching of structural geology and tectonics, including integrating research with teaching.The three-day Forum will be bracketed by two optional days of workshops and field trips. Although the Forum is aimed at professional geologists, we encourage advanced graduate students to attend.

This is the 4th Structural Geology and Tectonics Forum. The prior three successful ones were held at Colorado School of Mines in June 2014, at Williams College in June 2012, and at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in May 2010. The 2014 Forum brought together over 100 structural geologists.

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Forum Organizer

  • Matty Mookerjee (Sonoma State University)

Steering Committee

  • Yvette Kuiper (Colorado School of Mines)
  • Paul Karabinos (Williams College)

Technical Sessions

  • Steve Wojtal (Oberlin College)
  • Katherine Boggs (Mount Royal University)

Field Trips

  • Sarah Roeske (UC Davis)
  • Christie Rowe (McGill University)

Short Courses/Workshops

  • Saad Haq (Purdue University)
  • Kurt Burmeister (U. of the Pacific)


  • Barbara Tewksbury (Hamilton College)


  • Elisabeth (Liz) Ketterman (Geology AC, Sonoma State University)
  • Dena Peacock (Administrative Support, Sonoma State University)
  • Conferences and Events Services (Sonoma State University)


  • Emily Peterman (Bowdoin College)
  • Hal Bosbyshell (West Chester University)
  • Juk Bhattacharyya (University of Wisconsin, Whitewater)

Questions? Please contact
Matty Mookerjee