Contribute Materials to the Resource Collections
Initial Publication Date: June 7, 2006


We are creating resource collections for those who teach geochemistry. Your contributions will make these collections rich and diverse, and we encourage you to add the resources that you have developed or the tools that you use. You may contribute to the following collections:
Course description and syllabus
Tell us about how you teach your geochemistry course, and upload your syllabus to the Teach the Earth collections. View the course syllabus database for all earth science courses.
A collection of activities and assignments for use in the classroom, lab, and field, as well as out-of-class activities and projects. View the activities collection to see what has already been uploaded.
Contribute your own visualizations that you use to teach concepts relating to Geochemistry.References: books, articles, websites, databases, tools, and maps
Let your colleagues know about your favorite reference materials that relate specifically to teaching geochemistry or may provide support for teaching geochemistry.