Bibliography and References
This page enables the user to search for and view annotated references dealing with the Woburn Toxic Trial and its aftermath, the Woburn Wells G & H Superfund Site, and teaching with 'A Civil Action'. The references include journal articles, master's theses and Ph.D. dissertations, and state and federal reports.
Results 1 - 10 of 100 matches
Groundwater Modeling of the Aberjona Basin part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Master's thesis from MIT on the groundwater flow system of the entire Aberjona River watershed. The area near Woburn wells G and H is a small region within this computer model.
Trichloroethylene: an update part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Updated, detailed information on the toxicology and health impacts of TCE containing several studies of chronic and acute exposures.
Cancer incidence in the Love Canal area part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Statistical analysis of cancer incidence among residents near Love Canal, New York.
Incidence of low birth weight among Love Canal residents part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Statistical study of childrens birth weight among women at Love Canal, New York.
Cytogenic findings in persons living near Love Canal part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Initial findings concerning cell origin and growth of people living near Love Canal, New York.
Congenital malformations and maternal drinking water supply in rural South Australia: a case-control study part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Case-control statistical study of birth defects and gestational drinking water supply.
Drinking water and cancer study in Louisiana part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Early study examining possible link between cancer and drinking water.
Source of drinking water at home and site-specific cancer incidence in Washington County, Maryland part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Early study of cancer and possible link to drinking water.
Clients, cogency and candor: the complications of consulting in court part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Keenly insightful article written U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes as an address at the Geoscientists in the Legal System, Pardee Keynote Symposium, Geological Society of America National Meeting, ...
Central nervous system defects in children born to mothers exposed to organic solvents during pregnancy part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Very technical article describing birth defects in children whose mothers were exposure to organic solvents.