The A Civil Action - The Woburn Toxic Trial project website has not been significantly updated since 2009. We are preserving the web pages here because they still contain useful ideas and content. But be aware that the site may have out of date information.

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Results 1 - 10 of 32 matches

dyetrace1_nopump (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Wells G and H not pumping : a 708kB MP4 Video file

Resource Type: Video
Topics: Pollution Sources, Hydrogeology, Wells

dyetrace2_lowpump (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Wells G and H pumping at moderate rates : a 768kB MP4 Video file

Resource Type: Video
Topics: Pollution Sources, Hydrogeology, Wells

dyetrace3_highpump (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Wells G and H pumping at high rates : a 842kB MP4 Video file

Resource Type: Video
Topics: Pollution Sources, Hydrogeology, Wells

dyetrace1_nopump (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Wells G and H not pumping : a 4.7MB Quicktime Video file

Resource Type: Video
Topics: Pollution Sources, Wells, Hydrogeology

dyetrace2_lowpump (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Wells G and H pumping at moderate rates : a 5.3MB Quicktime Video file

Resource Type: Video
Topics: Pollution Sources, Wells, Hydrogeology

dyetrace3_highpump (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Wells G and H pumping at high rates : a 5.6MB Quicktime Video file

Resource Type: Video
Topics: Pollution Sources, Wells, Hydrogeology

dyetrace_framegrab (Details)
dyetrace_framegrab: a 378 by 639 pixel JPEG
Resource Type: Photos, Animation
Topics: Pollution Sources, Woburn:Water Supply, Wells, Hydrogeology

Cumulative Production Wells G & H 1964 to 1979 (Details)
Cumulative production, in gallons, from Woburn wells G and H from October 1964 through May 1979: a 430 by 640 pixel JPEG
Resource Type: Data
Topics: Woburn:Water Supply, Wells

Well G newspaper photo (Details)
Well G (circa 1985) newspaper photo: a 392 by 549 pixel JPEG
Resource Type: Photos
Topics: Woburn:Wells G and H Superfund Site, Wells, Hydrogeology

Security houses protecting pressure transducers (Details)
Potable toilets were used to protect the pressure transducers installed in monitoring wells on the 15-acre property during the 30-day aquifer test: a 650 by 1018 pixel JPEG
Resource Type: Photos
Topics: Federal Trial, Woburn:Wells G and H Superfund Site, Pollution Sources, Wells, Hydrogeology, People:Plaintiffs

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