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97 matchesResults 1 - 10 of 97 matches
Groundwater Modeling of the Aberjona Basin part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Master's thesis from MIT on the groundwater flow system of the entire Aberjona River watershed. The area near Woburn wells G and H is a small region within this computer model.
Topics: Hydrogeology
U.S. EPA remediation at Woburn Wells G&H Site (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Descriptions of the remediation systems used at the Woburn Wells G & H Superfund Site and summaries of recovered VOCs at for first 6 years of operation at W.R. Grace, Beatrice, UniFirst, and New ...
Topics: Woburn:Wells G and H Superfund Site:Remediation, Pollution Sources
Tarr (1987) Report - Chapter 2 Water Supply History (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Chapter 2 of Tarr
Topics: Woburn:Water Supply, Woburn, Pollution Sources
Tarr (1987) Report - Chapter 3 Pollution History (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Chapter 3 of Tarr
Topics: Woburn:City, Woburn, Pollution Sources
Tarr (1987) Report - Chapter 4 Tanneries Piggeries (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Chapter 4 of the Tarr quadrilogy about Woburn
Topics: Woburn:City, Woburn, Pollution Sources
Groundwater Models in the Courtroom (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Article written by E.S. Bair about the use of models in the courtroom using the Woburn Trial as an example. : a 4MB Acrobat (PDF) file
Topics: Mock Trial, Legal System:Jury Trials, Expert Testimony, Legal System
Comparison of scientific method and lawsuit (Details)
Figure from Bair (2002) comparing the path of a lawsuit to the steps in the scientific method: a 892 by 581 pixel JPEG
Resource Type: References
Topics: Mock Trial, Legal System
Trichloroethylene: an update part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Updated, detailed information on the toxicology and health impacts of TCE containing several studies of chronic and acute exposures.
Topics: Health/Cancer Studies
Cancer incidence in the Love Canal area part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Statistical analysis of cancer incidence among residents near Love Canal, New York.
Topics: Health/Cancer Studies
Incidence of low birth weight among Love Canal residents part of SERC Print Resource Collection
Statistical study of childrens birth weight among women at Love Canal, New York.
Topics: Health/Cancer Studies