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39 matchesResults 1 - 10 of 39 matches
PowerPoint presentation: Superfund Site Remediation (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
PowerPoint presentation showing remediation systems with descriptions and graphs used at the Woburn Wells G & H Superfund Site : a 22.1MB PowerPoint file
Topics: Woburn:Wells G and H Superfund Site:Remediation
Cumulative Production Wells G & H 1964 to 1979 (Details)
Cumulative production, in gallons, from Woburn wells G and H from October 1964 through May 1979: a 430 by 640 pixel JPEG
Resource Type: Data
Topics: Woburn:Water Supply, Wells
Well construction details (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Details of monitoring wells used by USGS to make maps of the water table : a 95kB Microsoft Word file
Permeability Data (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Summary table of K values from US EPA subcontractors : a 51kB Microsoft Word file
Topics: Woburn:Wells G and H Superfund Site, Hydrogeology
USGS Stream Gaging Data (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Stream discharge measurements from gain / loss study : a 19kB Excel file
USGS strema gaging field sheets (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Copies of the field records made by the USGS during gaging of the Aberjona River in 1985-86 : a 32kB Unknown Binary file
Aberjona_River_hydrograph (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
large format file for use as a trial exhibit : a 1.6MB Acrobat (PDF) file
Summary Information - Aerial Photographs (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Summary info detailing dates, resolution, photo numbers : a 19kB Excel file
Diagram of Riley's production well (Details)
Diagram of Riley
Resource Type: Data
Topics: Wells, People:Defendants
USGS field notes (Details)
Field notes from U.S. Geological Survey stream gaging during the 30-day test: a 900 by 702 pixel GIF
Resource Type: Data
Topics: Hydrogeology