The A Civil Action - The Woburn Toxic Trial project website has not been significantly updated since 2009. We are preserving the web pages here because they still contain useful ideas and content. But be aware that the site may have out of date information.

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Maps/Aerial Photos

Results 1 - 10 of 57 matches

Observation Wells (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Locations of the Superfund monitoring wells at the Woburn location. : a 7kB KMZ File file

Resource Type: Maps/Aerial Photos
Topics: Woburn:Wells G and H Superfund Site, Hydrogeology

Student using stereoscope (Details)
Student demonstrating the use of a stereoscope: a 1395 by 1899 pixel JPEG
Resource Type: Maps/Aerial Photos
Topics: Woburn, Pollution Sources, Hydrogeology

5 known VOC source properties (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
VOC source properties within Wells G&H Superfund Site : a 267kB Acrobat (PDF) file

Resource Type: Maps/Aerial Photos

Google Earth Image of the Defendant Locations (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Google Earth image showing the location of the primary defendants of the trial. : a 451bytes Unknown Binary file

Resource Type: Maps/Aerial Photos

Woburn Water Well Locations (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Google Earth image of the Woburn water well locations, circa 1967 : a 719bytes Unknown Binary file

Resource Type: Maps/Aerial Photos

Location of Water Wells at Woburn (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Google are the image of the water wells in production, circa 1967. edited version: a 481bytes Unknown Binary file

Resource Type: Maps/Aerial Photos

USGS Water Level Data (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Listing of water-level measurements made by the USGS during the 30-day pumping test : a 38kB Excel file

Resource Type: Maps/Aerial Photos

Google Earth image of Wells G & H (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
An image of the location of the former Woburn production wells. : a 548bytes Unknown Binary file

Resource Type: Maps/Aerial Photos

Wells G&H Site via Google Earth (Details)
A Google Earth view of the Wells G & H Superfund Site: a 750 by 900 pixel JPEG
Resource Type: Maps/Aerial Photos
Topics: Woburn:Wells G and H Superfund Site

well_locations.kml (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Google Earth image of well locations. : a 246kB Unknown Binary file

Resource Type: Maps/Aerial Photos

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