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Maps/Aerial Photos
57 matchesResults 1 - 10 of 57 matches
Observation Wells (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Locations of the Superfund monitoring wells at the Woburn location. : a 7kB KMZ File file
Topics: Woburn:Wells G and H Superfund Site, Hydrogeology
Student using stereoscope (Details)
Student demonstrating the use of a stereoscope: a 1395 by 1899 pixel JPEG
Resource Type: Maps/Aerial Photos
Topics: Woburn, Pollution Sources, Hydrogeology
5 known VOC source properties (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
VOC source properties within Wells G&H Superfund Site : a 267kB Acrobat (PDF) file
Google Earth Image of the Defendant Locations (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Google Earth image showing the location of the primary defendants of the trial. : a 451bytes Unknown Binary file
Woburn Water Well Locations (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Google Earth image of the Woburn water well locations, circa 1967 : a 719bytes Unknown Binary file
Location of Water Wells at Woburn (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Google are the image of the water wells in production, circa 1967. edited version: a 481bytes Unknown Binary file
USGS Water Level Data (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Listing of water-level measurements made by the USGS during the 30-day pumping test : a 38kB Excel file
Google Earth image of Wells G & H (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
An image of the location of the former Woburn production wells. : a 548bytes Unknown Binary file
Wells G&H Site via Google Earth (Details)
A Google Earth view of the Wells G & H Superfund Site: a 750 by 900 pixel JPEG
Resource Type: Maps/Aerial Photos
Topics: Woburn:Wells G and H Superfund Site
well_locations.kml (Details) part of SERC Media Collection
Google Earth image of well locations. : a 246kB Unknown Binary file