Plaintiffs' Homes and Defendants' Properties
Initial Publication Date: October 17, 2007
The defendants' properties no longer look like the images shown below. The Riley Tannery buildings owned by Beatrice Foods were torn down in the early 1990s and the Cryovac Plant owned by W.R. Grace is no longer operating and the buildings have been vacant for many years. Most of the plaintiffs moved after the trial. These photographs are of the homes they lived in before or at the time of the trial.
Plaintiffs' Homes
Map of Woburn showing locations of plaintiffs homes and defendants properties
Defendants' Properties
Beatrice Foods / Riley Tannery
View of Riley Tannery buildings in 1986
Aerial view of Riley Tannery with 15 acres in background
Footer excavation at warehouse built on Riley Tannery property
Well located in the 15-acre property that supplied water to the bean house at the tannery
For protection, pressure transducers stored in portable toilets during 30-day test
W.R. Grace Cryovac Plant
Main Office at Cryovac Plant
Cryovac manufactured food-processing equipment
TCE to manufacture food-processing equipment
View from Washington Street at W.R. Grace property
Back door on southside of Cryovac Plant
Southside of Cryovac property with monitoring wells
Excavation of buried drums behind Cryovac buildings
Excavation of buried drums
Excavation of buried drums