Visualizations of TCE Transport, Induced River Infiltration, and TCE + PCE Exposure

Initial Publication Date: October 17, 2007

These visualizations are based on the M.S. and Ph.D. research of Maura Metheny at Ohio State University, which involved constructing computer models of the groundwater flow system at the Wells G & H Superfund Site. Her models simulate, from 1960 to 1986, groundwater flow, TCE and PCE transport from five known source properties, and induced infiltration of river water into the underlying aquifer. In addition to constructing these groundwater models, Maura Metheny also computed estimates of TCE + PCE exposure at each residence. These exposure estimates are based her model results and the results of a water distribution model of the Woburn water-supply system previously constructed by Professor Peter Murphy for U.S. EPA (Murphy 1990 ). Metheny's calculations produce month-by-month estimates of the TCE + PCE concentration distributed to the 54 water districts in Woburn. For more information, visit the page on Woburn's municipal water supply system.

The results of Metheny's groundwater simulations were animated by Martin Van Oort, an M.S. student at Ohio State University. The results of Metheny's TCE + PCE exposure calculations were animated by Paul Spahr, an M.S. student at Ohio State University.

Maura Metheny
Martin Van Oort
Paul Spahr

Induced Infiltration

Visualization of Induced Infiltration ( 45.6MB May3 07) from the Aberjona River and wetland to municipal wells G and H, and the two production wells on the Riley Tannery property (1960 to 1986)

Annotated Time-Log (Excel 18kB Aug9 05) describing the induced infiltration animation

Explanation (Microsoft Word 25kB Aug9 05) of modeling approach, calibration, and history matching

TCE Transport

Visualization of TCE Transport ( 18.9MB May4 07) from the five known sources of TCE contamination at the Wells G&H Superfund Site (1960 to 1986)

Annotated Time-Log (Excel 19kB Aug9 05) describing the TCE transport animation

Explanation (Microsoft Word 25kB Aug9 05) of modeling approach, calibration, and history matching

Estimated TCE + PCE Exposure

Visualization of TCE + PCE Exposure (Quicktime Video 4.1MB Apr11 08) from the five known sources of contamination at the Wells G&H Superfund Site (1960 to 1986)

Annotated Time-Log (Excel 19kB Aug9 05) describing the TCE + PCE exposure animation

Explanation (Microsoft Word 25kB Aug9 05) of how the TCE + PCE exposure estimates were made