Group 7
This team has people with teaching focused on mechanical engineering and mining engineering.
Navid Shaghaghi
Mingli Han
Wei Tong
Natasha Smith
Louis Woodhams
Legun Emmanwori
Learning outcomes:
- Develop scripts for visualization of scientific data
- Describe real world problems using mathematical equations
- Apply numerical tools to solve systems of equations that model physical systems
- Taking apart complex problems and breaking them into simpler steps
Example learning outcomes:
- Analyze coordinate transformations in 3D to find a relationship between the joint positions and end effector position
- Break down complicated problems into simple steps that can be solved on a computer
- Generate 2d and 3d plots to visualize data
- Memorize the formula for Euler's method
- Understand intuitively how Euler's method approximates the solution
- Use Euler's method to solve nonlinear ODEs with initial values
- Recognize similarities between Euler's method and a first-order Taylor polynomial
- Evaluate error and stability of solutions using Euler's method by comparing to analytical solutions or more accurate approximate solutions
How to assess student performance and learning?
- Completion of activities: "do it until you get it right"
- Onramps
- Matlab grader
- But did the student do it or did ChatGPT?
- In person activities, demo at end
- Oral examinations - can you explain what you did
- good for small courses
- Paper tests/quizzes
- Students write code or do one iteration of some numerical method or...
- students get sample code and have to determine output (could be MC)
- students often complain about this
- Give students a way to demo their code - show class how to use it
- Small group projects (3-4)
- some students may freeload
- hidden peer evaluations
- self-evaluation
- students present a poster, have to rotate presenting