Using AI as a guide to convert Scripts or M-files to APPS
This activity teaches educators/students to use a few of the basic concepts of AI and fast track the implementation of Scripts-to-Apps in MATLAB. The user is required to have previous knowledge using Scripts and at least the basic concept of MATLAB Apps.
Adapted from scripts of my previous MATLAB workshop 2023, it is applied to solving electric circuits for simulated solutions and Operational amplifier models.
Learning Goals
Learning Goals
1. The primary goal is to introduce the use of AI for MATLAB problem solutions. 2. The development of these tools will allow the user to enhance the way you implement the solution for different problems in extended areas of science and technology. 3. The conversion from SCRIPTS to APPS will facilitate the use of your solution, creating a standalone version.
Context for Use
Context for Use
This activity can be implemented on any course that requires the use of MATLAB (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced) with more efficiency. Reducing the time required to create all the code starting from scratch. We can make Artificial Intelligence systems an ally to improve the results of our solutions or simply a model for more accelerated learning.
Description and Teaching Materials
Description and Teaching Materials
The activities can have a variety of implementations depending on the type of subject taught. In my case, the use of MATLAB is aimed at solving some basic electricity or electronics exercises. For this reason, the models to work will be associated with this field. The activities required for students are associated with exercises on electricity subjects where they already have theoretical knowledge of the topic. Then they must implement a solution using MATLAB showing the results and their comparison with the theoretical solution.
Inverting Amplifier model (Photoshop bytes Oct23 24)
Non-Inverting Amplifier model ( 39kB Oct23 24)
Teaching Notes and Tips
Teaching Notes and Tips
Select a problem to solve, based on the level of your students and class type.
Create a solution using MATLAB.
The results of your solution could be used from simple simulation and show the results. Use as a complementary lecture for students' visualization of the concepts, or to request the students to modify the live script to solve a different problem type with the enhancement of AI to accelerate the implementation of the computational solution.
For each MATLAB activity, depending on the results you are interested in the activity, the assessment could be:
1- Engagement with the student to use computational tools for solving problems.
2- Ability to solve engineering problems using MATLAB and AI.
3- Ability to modify existing MATLAB live scripts using AI to adapt the solution to different problems.
References and Resources
References and Resources MATLAB for Students: References and Resources MATLAB for Students:
This teaching activity was created as a part of the Teaching Computation with MATLAB Workshop held in 2023 at Carleton College.