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    Data and Model Driven Hydrology Education

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Data and Model Driven Hydrology Education

Results 1 - 10 of 16 matches

Isotope Hydrograph Separation part of Data and Model Driven Hydrology Education:Units
Anne Jefferson, Kent State University-Main Campus
Separation of hydrographs into event and pre-event fractions based on measurements and data, rather than arbitrary formulae, was a revolutionary technique in watershed hydrology in the 1970s and has continued to be ...

Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
Online Readiness: Online Ready
Resource Type: Activities: Activities
Subject: Geoscience:Hydrology
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Constructing a data-driven rainfall-runoff model part of Data and Model Driven Hydrology Education:Units
Tianfang Xu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
The objective of this lesson is to introduce students to rainfall-runoff modeling using machine learning algorithms. In this lesson, students will walk through the process of accessing data, visualizing the data, ...

Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities
Subject: Geoscience:Hydrology
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review

Time Series Analysis part of Data and Model Driven Hydrology Education:Units
Jasmine Gregory, North Carolina State University
Time series data are common in hydrologic sciences and other fields. Time series data are observations that are ordered chronologically. In contrast, other forms of data may be independently ordered (e.g., a ...

Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities
Subject: Geoscience:Hydrology
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review

Flood Frequency Analysis Using MS Excel part of Data and Model Driven Hydrology Education:Units
Siddharth Saksena, Purdue University-Main Campus
In this unit, students learn about flood frequency analysis, and how to create flood frequency plots from annual maximum series using MS Excel.

Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities
Subject: Geoscience:Hydrology

Landslides - Infinite Slope Factor-of-Safety Model part of Data and Model Driven Hydrology Education:Units
Ronda Strauch, University of Washington-Seattle Campus
Unit composed of 3 exercises designed to expose students to the physical processes that lead to landslides and how scientists model these processes.

Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities
Subject: Geoscience:Hydrology
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review

Using Methane Concentrations in Streams to Investigate for Potential Leakage of Oil and Gas Wells in Pennsylvania part of Data and Model Driven Hydrology Education:Units
Liza Brazil, Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc
The purpose of this exercise is to guide students through the initial stages of a hypothetical water supply complaint investigation for 3 scenarios where methane has been detected in surface water in PA. This ...

Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities
Subject: Geoscience:Hydrology
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review

Nutrient Load Module part of Data and Model Driven Hydrology Education:Units
Thomas Meixner, The University of Arizona
Estimating nutrient loads is a critical concept for students studying water quality in a variety of environmental settings. Many of these students will be asked to assess the impacts of a proposed anthropogenic ...

Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities
Subject: Geoscience:Hydrology
Activity Review: Peer Reviewed as Exemplary
On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
Learn more about this review process.

Rational Method part of Data and Model Driven Hydrology Education:Units
Abstract This unit applies a spreadsheet, based on the storm water hydrograph modeling module, that applies the widely utilized Rational Method to estimate hydrographs and flooding for urban watersheds. The ...

Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities
Subject: Geoscience:Hydrology
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review

Environmental Issues Related to Brine Disposal from Oil and Gas Development in Pennsylvania part of Data and Model Driven Hydrology Education:Units
Tao Wen, Syracuse University
One environmental concern regarding shale gas development is disposal of the salt water that is produced with the gas. Each well may return 5-10% of the injected fracturing fluids initially before the well is put ...

Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities
Subject: Geoscience:Hydrology
Activity Review: Passed Peer Review

Derivation and Application of Unit Hydrograph part of Data and Model Driven Hydrology Education:Units
Introduction The objective of this lesson is to introduce students to the concept of unit hydrograph by allowing them to create the necessary data to develop a unit hydrograph and then apply it to a storm event to ...

Grade Level: College Upper (15-16)
Resource Type: Activities: Activities
Subject: Geoscience:Hydrology