GIS in Geoscience Examples
Results 1 - 10 of 99 matches
Working with USGS discharge data part of Hydrogeology:Hydrogeology, Soils, Geochemistry 2013:Activities
In this exercise, we use the USGS real-time data available online, and use it to construct a rating curve for the Walla Walla river near Touchet. We then make a simple model of flood inundation in ArcGIS for the ...
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Exercise 1: Introduction to spatial data – mapping the classroom with paper and pencil part of GIS and Remote Sensing:Activities2
Barbara and David Tewksbury, Hamilton College Summary Students map the classroom twice using paper and pencil, the first time on different pieces of paper and with essentially no instructions and the second time ...
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Investigating Earthquakes: GIS Mapping and Analysis (College Level) part of Examples
This is a college-level adaptation of a chapter from the Earth Exploration Toolbook. The students download global quake data over a time range and use GIS to interpret the tectonic context.
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Visualizing the impact of storm surge and sea level rise on coastal communities part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Teaching about Risk and Resilience:Activities
Using Google Earth to Explore Plate Tectonics part of Pedagogy in Action:Library:Teaching with Google Earth:Examples
Students use Google Earth to learn about plate tectonics by exploring the topography of the earth's continents and ocean floor, the distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes, and seafloor age. They become familiar with these global data sets and understand how Earth's tectonic plates and plate boundaries are defined.
GIS Applications in Hydrologic Processes part of GIS and Remote Sensing:Activities2
John Van Hoesen, Summary Students compare traditional paper-based techniques associated with estimating areal precipitation, watershed delineation, and modeling evapotranspiration. This assignment challenges ...
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Topographic analysis of the Sangre de Cristo Range -- GIS Project part of GIS and Remote Sensing:Activities2
Eric Leonard, Colorado College - Geology Department Summary Students make DEM-based observations and develop and test hypotheses regarding topographic differences between the two sides of the Colorado Sangre de ...
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Tsunami Travel Time Approximation part of GIS and Remote Sensing:Activities2
Eric Grosfils, Pomona College Summary Students are asked to calculate approximate tsunami travel times across the Pacific basin. The assignment builds off of a lab introducing students to Spatial Analyst, and ...
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Geocoding in ArcGIS: The Spread of Target and Walmart part of GIS and Remote Sensing:Activities2
Catherine Riihimaki, Drew University Summary Students geocode the locations of Walmart and Target stores across the US, create a map for each company, and interpret the distribution of stores using ArcMaps ...
Spatial Analysis of Raster Data - An Antarctic Example part of GIS and Remote Sensing:Activities2
Mark Helper, University of Texas at Austin, Department of Geological Sciences Summary Using Antarctic elevation and ice thickness raster data sets, this exercise uses tools available in the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst ...
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