ConcepTest: Eccentricity and Temperature Distribution

and is replicated here as part of the SERC Pedagogic Service.
Mars has a more eccentric orbit of the Sun than Earth. Mars is 20% closer to the Sun during its winter than it is during its summer. How would temperature distributions on Earth be affected if we had a similarly eccentric orbit that brought us much closer to the Sun during winter in the Northern Hemisphere?
a. Maximum temperatures would be higher during the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere.b. Maximum temperatures would be higher during the winter season in the Southern Hemisphere.
c. Maximum temperatures would be higher during the winter seasons in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
Student Responses:
No data yet. The correct response is A.
If you would like to help acquire more Before and After statistics for this example, please contact the authors (see link at top of page).
References and Notes:
The use of ConcepTests and Peer Instruction is discussed in detail on the ConcepTest page.
McConnell, D.A., Steer, D.N. and Owens, K.A., 2003, Assessment and Active Learning Strategies for Introductory Geology Courses, Journal of Geoscience Education, 51(2), 205-216.
McConnell, D.A., Steer et al., 2006, Using Conceptests to Assess and Improve Student Conceptual Understanding in Introductory Courses, Journal of Geoscience Education, (54(1), 61-68.