
Initial Publication Date: March 16, 2015

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Expanding HBCU Pathways for Geoscience Education
The GP-IMPACT: Expanding HBCU Pathways for Geoscience Education aims to identify the challenges and opportunities related to improving minority access to the geosciences across educational levels and specifically at HBCUs. SERC supported the completion of the qualitative study of geoscience efforts at participating HBCUs and developing and hosting the website which holds the results.
Project Focus: Changing Education Systems, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Evaluation, Product Dissemination
Network of STEM Education Centers
NSEC is an organization of campus-based centers and offices that serve as catalysts for educational transformation in STEM. The network allows center leadership, university and college administrators, and state and national policymakers to have a central hub for their communal efforts. SERC works with NSEC to develop a number of resources that can assist STEM Education Centers in their missions and development. The STEM Ed Center Toolkit, Research Action Clusters, Center Profiles, as well as a number of virtual and in person events such as the Transforming Institutions conferences.
Project Focus: Network and Community Building , Changing Education Systems, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Career Support for Educators
SERC Role: Product Dissemination, Professional Development, Organizational Backbone, Community Building/Organization, Project Management/Implementation, Website Hosting and Development:Online Tool Development, Event Development/Facilitation, Website Hosting and Development
Earth Educators Rendezvous
The Earth Educators' Rendezvous is a semi-annual conference featuring a combination of workshops, posters, talks, round-table discussions, field trips, and plenary presentations. SERC manages the conference logistics, supports the conference programming, assist the planning committee, and hosts the conference website.
Project Focus: Career Support for Educators, Connecting STEM Research to Education, Network and Community Building , Pedagogy and Teaching Approaches
SERC Role: Event Development/Facilitation, Project Management/Implementation, Website Hosting and Development
Supporting STEM Success in a Liberal Arts Context
Supporting STEM in a Liberal Arts Context synthesized the experiences of 11 institutions striving to strengthen the undergraduate experiences in science and mathematics for all of their students. These predominantly undergraduate institutions were selected by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute as 'Capstone Programs' and had extensive experience in strengthening students experiences in STEM programs. SERC provided support for synchronous meetings, gathering expertise, and writing and publishing the suite of program models and institutional examples that resulted from the work of the project.
Project Focus: Interdisciplinary Grand Challenges , Changing Education Systems, Disciplinary Skills and Habits of Mind:Authentic Science Experience
SERC Role: Community Building/Organization, Event Development/Facilitation, Website Hosting and Development, Strategic Planning and Thought Partnership
Geo-Needs was an NSF-funded project that sought to explore barriers and opportunities for enhancing geoscience instruction at 2YC and MSI institutions so that these student have greater opportunities for employment in the geosciences. SERC hosts the project website, including the final report, as well as facilitated the workshops that informed the project and report.
Project Focus: Supporting Student Success, Changing Education Systems, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Event Development/Facilitation, Product Dissemination
Bridging to STEM Excellence
BTSE works to accelerate change in higher education and teacher preparation by developing 1) a bridge between institutional efforts to improve instruction and national initiatives offering programmatic support and 2) a community of practice increasing the interactions among and reach of the consortium organizations. SERC serves both in the leadership and the backbone for this network.
Project Focus: Network and Community Building , Supporting Student Success, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Changing Education Systems
SERC Role: Product Dissemination, Evaluation, Organizational Backbone, Professional Development, Event Development/Facilitation, Community Building/Organization, Project Lead (PI/Co-PI), Project Management/Implementation, Website Hosting and Development, Strategic Planning and Thought Partnership