
Initial Publication Date: March 16, 2015

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Website Hosting and Development: A focus on providing the technical infrastructure and support for a project's website. This can include activities such as creating new SERCkit tools, development of website architecture, and design of the website's look and feel.

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Website Hosting and Development
College Upper (15-16)

Results 41 - 50 of 64 matches

Earth Educators Rendezvous
The Earth Educators' Rendezvous is a semi-annual conference featuring a combination of workshops, posters, talks, round-table discussions, field trips, and plenary presentations. SERC manages the conference logistics, supports the conference programming, assist the planning committee, and hosts the conference website.
Project Focus: Career Support for Educators, Connecting STEM Research to Education, Network and Community Building , Pedagogy and Teaching Approaches
SERC Role: Event Development/Facilitation, Project Management/Implementation, Website Hosting and Development
This project supports geoscience instructors with tools and teaching materials for geoethics. SERC helped design and continues to host the website.
Project Focus: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Product Dissemination
Guided Inquiry Introductory Geology Labs
Participants in this project developed, pilot tested, and reviewed introductory-level geoscience labs aimed at different levels of guided inquiry. SERC provided support for the initial EER workshop as well as authoring, revision, and peer review.
Project Focus: Pedagogy and Teaching Approaches
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Materials Development/Review
National Institute for Faculty Equity
Minorities and women, minority women in particular, are underrepresented in academia, even more so in the STEM disciplines: science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Members of these underrepresented groups represent an untapped resource. The National Institute for Faculty Equity seeks to address this persistent problem, in part by institutionalizing the professional development and career success of women and minorities in STEM. This website offers resources for underrepresented faculty in engineering, including presentations and from the Minority Faculty Development workshops and the Cross-Disciplinary Initiative for Minority Women Faculty conference. SERC hosts the project's materials as well as provided a web platform for project personnel to use for annual events.
Project Focus: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Career Support for Educators
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Professional Development, Product Dissemination, Event Development/Facilitation
GET Spatial Learning
The Geoscience Education Transdisciplinary Spatial Learning Network aims to develop educational tools that can help students, across classroom and field settings, to better understand and build upon historically difficult geoscience concepts.
Project Focus: Disciplinary Skills and Habits of Mind:Spatial and Temporal Thinking
SERC Role: Community Building/Organization, Product Dissemination, Website Hosting and Development, Education Research
ADVANCEGeo Partnership
The ADVANCEGeo Partnership is addressing the problematic behaviors, such as sexual harassment, discrimination, and bullying, that lead to hostile working environments in the earth, space, and environmental sciences. ADVANCEGeo works to improve workplace climate conditions through bystander intervention education and resources tailored to department heads and chairs, faculty, and graduate students in research environments. SERC supports this project with its expertise in web dissemination to facilitate the workshop model and expand the reach of project resources.
Project Focus: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Changing Education Systems
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Content Expertise:Accessibility, Event Development/Facilitation
The aim of the Evaluate UR (Undergraduate Research) project is to test, refine, and disseminate an evidence-based model for improving student outcomes by incorporating evaluation directly into student research experiences. SERC is a partner in development of the method and provides and maintains the automated web-based evaluation service, as well as web content and support for implementation of EvaluateUR Method.
Project Focus: Connecting STEM Research to Education
SERC Role: Strategic Planning and Thought Partnership, Website Hosting and Development, Online Tool Development
This site provides stand-alone, illustrated electronic case studies that teach about geomorphology, surface processes, and/or Quaternary history. SERC worked with project leaders to develop the site and continues to host this collection
Project Focus: Connecting STEM Research to Education
SERC Role: Product Dissemination, Website Hosting and Development
Microbial Life
This project aimed to provide a contemporary resource of expert information about the ecology, diversity and evolution of micro-organisms as well as common research techniques used in the field for students, K-12 teachers, university faculty, as well as for the general public. It was a collaborative project of the Marine Biology Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, and Montana State University, Bozeman, MT.
Project Focus: Connecting STEM Research to Education, Pedagogy and Teaching Approaches
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Materials Development/Review, Content Expertise:Geoscience
Bridging to STEM Excellence
BTSE works to accelerate change in higher education and teacher preparation by developing 1) a bridge between institutional efforts to improve instruction and national initiatives offering programmatic support and 2) a community of practice increasing the interactions among and reach of the consortium organizations. SERC serves both in the leadership and the backbone for this network.
Project Focus: Network and Community Building , Supporting Student Success, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Changing Education Systems
SERC Role: Product Dissemination, Evaluation, Organizational Backbone, Professional Development, Event Development/Facilitation, Community Building/Organization, Project Lead (PI/Co-PI), Project Management/Implementation, Website Hosting and Development, Strategic Planning and Thought Partnership