
Initial Publication Date: March 16, 2015

SERC has an extensive portfolio of projects that have been created, developed, and implemented in collaboration with many partners. Learn more about many of our current and past projects using the browse below.

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Website Hosting and Development: A focus on providing the technical infrastructure and support for a project's website. This can include activities such as creating new SERCkit tools, development of website architecture, and design of the website's look and feel.

Current Search Limits:
Website Hosting and Development
College Upper (15-16)

Results 31 - 40 of 64 matches

Geo-Needs was an NSF-funded project that sought to explore barriers and opportunities for enhancing geoscience instruction at 2YC and MSI institutions so that these student have greater opportunities for employment in the geosciences. SERC hosts the project website, including the final report, as well as facilitated the workshops that informed the project and report.
Project Focus: Supporting Student Success, Changing Education Systems, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Event Development/Facilitation, Product Dissemination
Curriculum for the Bioregion
Curriculum for the Bioregion is a network of educators in Washington State who are integrating sustainability and place-based content and pedagogy in a broad array of undergraduate courses and community-based learning. SERC hosts the project website and provided tools to facilitate faculty learning community meetings.
Project Focus: Pedagogy and Teaching Approaches, Changing Education Systems, Disciplinary Skills and Habits of Mind
SERC Role: Materials Development/Review, Website Hosting and Development, Event Development/Facilitation, Strategic Planning and Thought Partnership
Mental Health in the Geosciences
The workshop on Positive Mental Health in the Geosciences focused on building community and gathering information from attendees and psychologists to help us assess how mental health is being addressed in formal and informal geoscience communities, and identify outstanding needs. SERC designed and facilitated the workshop with the Geological Society of America.
Project Focus: Supporting Student Success, Career Support for Educators, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice
SERC Role: Event Development/Facilitation, Website Hosting and Development
Science for Non-Scientists
This project shared a wealth of teaching materials from a general education course designed to introduce non-science majors to scientific ways of thinking; the course developed remarkably strong critical thinking skills. SERC provided a platform to post these resources for wider use.
Project Focus: Disciplinary Skills and Habits of Mind, Pedagogy and Teaching Approaches
SERC Role: Product Dissemination, Website Hosting and Development
IE3: Meaningful evaluation of effective and inclusive teaching (LCC4)
IE3 Learning Community Cluster 4 (LCC4) is working to make substantial, cross-institutional progress toward meaningful evaluation of inclusive teaching by working collaboratively on three important pillars underlying meaningful evaluation of inclusive and effective teaching - Policies, Instructor Development, and Sources of Evidence. SERC provides an organizational backbone and framework for the work of the project in addition to design and facilitation of some project activities.
Project Focus: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Supporting Student Success
SERC Role: Professional Development, Organizational Backbone, Community Building/Organization, Project Management/Implementation, Event Development/Facilitation, Strategic Planning and Thought Partnership, Website Hosting and Development
Parallel Computing in the Computer Science Curriculum
CSinParallel provides a resource for computer science educators to find, share, and discuss modular teaching materials that support undergraduates in learning parallel computing techniques. SERC hosts and helped design this website including its visual search interfaces.
Project Focus: Disciplinary Skills and Habits of Mind
SERC Role: Product Dissemination, Website Hosting and Development:Online Tool Development
The EarthConnections collective impact alliance developed regionally focused, education pathways that support students in locally relevant, Earth-science. SERC is the lead on this project.
Project Focus: Network and Community Building , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, Changing Education Systems
SERC Role: Evaluation, Community Building/Organization, Project Management/Implementation, Project Lead (PI/Co-PI), Organizational Backbone, Website Hosting and Development, Content Expertise:Geoscience, Event Development/Facilitation
PENGUIN modules provide a computational framework to allow students to work actively with polar research and data through conduct guided inquiry. Working through a Jupyter Notebook or Excel Sheet, students analyze polar research and data: creating figures, performing calculations, asking questions, and thinking critically about what the data shows. The modules are designed for courses in Economics, Computer Science, Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Thermodynamics, and Environmental Science Tools and Methods, from intro to advanced. SERC provided website support and hosting as well as support for the project's webinars.
Project Focus: Disciplinary Skills and Habits of Mind, Pedagogy and Teaching Approaches
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Product Dissemination, Materials Development/Review, Event Development/Facilitation
Accelerating Systemic Change Network
ASCN is a network of individuals and institutions with the goal of advancing STEM education programs. ASCN's approach is to bring together systemic change researchers with those who are making systemic change happen at their individual institutions. By closing the loop between researchers and change agents, ASCN aims to accelerate programmatic and institutional change, and to improve STEM education nationally.
Project Focus: Changing Education Systems
SERC Role: Community Building/Organization, Organizational Backbone, Website Hosting and Development, Event Development/Facilitation
EarthScope ANGLE
EarthScope ANGLE (Alaska Native Geoscience Learning Experience) offers educator professional development workshops and helps teach student academies for the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP). EarthScope ANGLE contributes to increasing Alaskan resilience to geohazards through education and the development of an action-oriented statewide learning community. SERC hosts the website and supports the dissemination of teaching modules.
Project Focus: Connecting STEM Research to Education, Engaging Students with Communities
SERC Role: Website Hosting and Development, Materials Development/Review, Event Development/Facilitation