Curriculum for the Bioregion Curriculum Collection
Why Curriculum for the Bioregion?

Curriculum for the Bioregion Resources
In this resource collection at the Science Education Resource Center are activities that incorporate sustainability concepts and place-based learning, introductory courses that feature sustainability themes, and essays on bioregional teaching and learning and the pedagogies of teaching for a sustainable future.
If you teach at a college and university in Washington State or the wider Cascadia bioregion, we invite you to
- Contribute an Activity that integrates key concepts or skills of your course with a sustainability concept or context;
- Contribute a Course that focuses on sustainability or place-based learning themes; or
- Contribute an Essay exploring pedagogical issues related to sustainability education.
Funding Sources
Since the project's creation in 2005, Curriculum for the Bioregion has been supported by the following foundations and grants programs: The Russell Family Foundation; U.S. Department of Education's Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; The Norcliffe Foundation; and the Sustainable Path Foundation. Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this website are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of these foundations or grants programs.