Aquifer Tests - Computer Analysis

Ming-Kuo Lee
Initial Publication Date: May 29, 2007


Students get to analyze the pump-test data they collected during the Aquifer Tests - Data Acquisition field activity. Students compare an overlay of observed data plots with theoretical type-curves to find a best fit. Manual and computer curve matching are conducted.

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Learning Goals

  • Gain a basic understanding of principles used to manually match curves and calculate transmissivity and storativity.
  • Experience the ground-water investigation process from hand and computational data analysis to final interpretation.
  • Become better prepared for environmental employment.

Context for Use

This is the seventh of nine one-week exercises designed for a senior-level undergraduate lecture/lab hydrogeology course.

Description and Teaching Materials

An interactive graphic computer package is required. Compatible packages include:
  • For PCs: AQUIFER TEST by Waterloo Hydrogeologic

Teaching Notes and Tips

Go over the following theories and methods before or at the begining of lab:
  • Theis theory
  • Jacob method
  • Cooper-Bredehoeft-Papadopulos method


The author is seeking feedback from companies that hire students that have gone through the course that this activity is from to see if this training provides a positive impact on job performance.

References and Resources

The activity is from the following article:
See the other eight related activities derived from this article: