The Bengal Water 'Injustice' Machine presented by Azmal Hossan
Poster - Azmal Hossan (Acrobat (PDF) 990kB May1 23)
Using the FEW-Nexus to Engage Middle Grade Students in Reasoning about Local Socio-Ecological Systems Issues presented by Kendrick Spencer
FEW Nexus and SEE VT poster for Kendrick Spencer (Acrobat (PDF) 3.9MB May1 23)
Urban Water Conservation Social Survey presented by Joseph M. Simpson
Urban Water Conservation Survey (Acrobat (PDF) 744kB May1 23)
Growing Food to Grow Community: Addressing Student Food Security at College of DuPage presented by Shamili Ajgaonkar
Growing Food to Grow Community Poster (Acrobat (PDF) 3.1MB May1 23)
A Low-Cost Affordable Science Inquiry-Based Curricula for Elementary and Middle School Youth presented by Dr. Tonya Gerald-Goins
FEWLM Workbooks - Dr. Tonya Gerald-Goins (Acrobat (PDF) 2.2MB May2 23)
Combining Two Different Immersive Semesters One on Watersheds and One on Food Systems - to Form a Single Unified Residential Immersive Semester: Using the Food/Water/Energy Nexus as a Lens for Student Engagement presented by John Mischler
Mischler Poster (Acrobat (PDF) 3.4MB May2 23)
Project Outcomes of Food Systems Thinker Educational Experience presented by Neil Knobloch
Food System Thinker Poster - Niel Knobloch (Acrobat (PDF) 6.2MB May4 23)
Contextualized FEW Projects in STEM Education presented by Hui-Hui Wang and Neil Knobloch
Contextualized FEW Projects in STEM Education - Hui-Hui Wang and Neil Knobloch (Acrobat (PDF) 916kB May4 23)
Bringing Food-Energy-Water Nexus to Hydrogeology, and GIS Courses in Undergraduate Classroom presented by Md Golam Kibria
NC-EFW 2023 Poster - Md Golam Kibria (Acrobat (PDF) 4MB May8 23)
The Water Footprint Education Project presented by Robin Madel
Thinking about Fossils & Paleoclimates: Autonomy and Educational Scaffolds presented by John R. Robertson
Thinking about Fossils & Paleoclimates: Autonomy and Educational Scaffolds (Acrobat (PDF) 2.3MB May10 23)
Exploring the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the Mekong Region presented by Kyungsun Lee
Exploring the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the Mekong Region (Acrobat (PDF) 584kB May10 23)
International Partnerships for WEF Nexus research and education presented by Julian Prieto
International Partnerships for WEF Nexus research and education (Acrobat (PDF) 376kB May10 23)
FEWs – Definitions, conceptualizations, applications, and education presented by Aavudai Anandhi
FEWs – Definitions, conceptualizations, applications, and education (Acrobat (PDF) 944kB May10 23)
Know Watts Cooking - The Phyiscs of Energy Efficient Cooking (A "digestible" entry point for climate education and action) presented by Carla Ramsdell
Clover CURE: An ecological Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience for in-person and online instructional modalities presented by Nathan Ruhl
Clover CURE: An ecological Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience for in-person and online instructional modalities (Acrobat (PDF) 1.5MB May11 23)
Reflecting on 30 years of environmentally related research projects: Changing perception of Food-Energy-Water presented by Allan Feldman
Reflecting on 30 years of environmentally related research projects: Changing perception of Food-Energy-Water (Acrobat (PDF) 2.1MB May12 23)
Climate in Rural Systems Partnership presented by Laurie Giarratani
Climate in Rural Systems Partnership (Acrobat (PDF) 1.9MB May12 23)