

Fall 2024 Newsletter (Acrobat (PDF) 3.4MB Sep10 24) - feature article by NC-FEW member Kata McCarville about using systems thinking and the FEW Nexus in teaching hydrology, spotlight on the Ecological Society of America, recap of the June 2024 virtual workshop, and highlights of work and opportunities from the NC-FEW community.

Summer 2024 Newsletter (Acrobat (PDF) 3.4MB Jun12 24) - feature article by NC-FEW members Allan Feldman, Rita Ortiz and Jawaher Alsultan about "Ghanaian Students' Engagement with the FEW Nexus Using Anaerobic Biodigesters," spotlight on the American Association of Geographers, recap of the April 2024 virtual workshop, and highlights of work and opportunities from the NC-FEW community.

Spring 2024 Newsletter (Acrobat (PDF) 3.2MB Mar15 24) - feature article by NC-FEW member Dr. Brian Shmaefsky, spotlight on the National Association of Geoscience Teachers, recap of the January 2024 virtual workshop, and highlights of work and opportunities from the NC-FEW community.


Winter 2023/4 Newsletter (Acrobat (PDF) 1.2MB Jan8 24) - Ideas about NC-FEW as a complex system, spotlight on the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences (AESS), recap of the November 2023 virtual workshop, and highlights of work and opportunities from the NC-FEW community.

Fall 2023 Newsletter (Acrobat (PDF) 1.2MB Sep15 23) - Summary of evaluation efforts, spotlight on the American Association for Agricultural Education, recap of the August 2023 virtual workshop, and highlights of work and opportunities from the NC-FEW community.

Summer 2023 Newsletter - web version (Acrobat (PDF) 4.1MB Jul3 23) - Highlights from Invited Workshop event, opportunity to create community member profiles, updates from Working Groups, and highlights of work and opportunities from the NC-FEW community.

Spring 2023 Newsletter - web version (Acrobat (PDF) 1.2MB May5 23) Spring 2023 Newsletter - high res for printing (Acrobat (PDF) 4.4MB May5 23)- Invitation to contribute to NC-FEW Vision for FEW-Nexus-Based Education, opportunities to engage with Invited Workshop events, recap of Winter Virtual Workshop, updates from Working Groups, and highlights of work from the NC-FEW community.


Fall Newsletter (#5) (Acrobat (PDF) 1MB Jun2 22) – An overview of the recent NC-FEW presentations and new leadership opportunities, an explanation of the research synthesis, and an invitation to contribute to the Virtual Showcase and Special Issue "Water literacy and Education".

Summer Newsletter (#4) (Acrobat (PDF) 2MB Jun2 22) – An announcement about the Virtual Showcase and new leadership opportunities, an overview of the informal/nonformal working group, and an update on NSF grant awarded NC-FEW member.

Spring Newsletter (#3) (Acrobat (PDF) 1MB Jun2 22) – An update on COVID-19 and NC-FEW, overview of the postsecondary working group, information about funding opportunities, and the announcement of NC-FEW's new Twitter handle.

Winter Newsletter (#2) (Acrobat (PDF) 1.1MB Jun2 22) – A snapshot of NC-FEW membership, an overview of the K-12 working group, and information about funding opportunities.


Fall Newsletter (#1) (Acrobat (PDF) 999kB Jun2 22) – A welcome from and introduction to the NC-FEW Leadership Team, an overview of NC-FEW and the FEW-Nexus, and a recap of the 2018 NC-FEW invited conference.