Initial Publication Date: September 27, 2022

About NC-FEW

NC-FEW People »

Mission and Goals

NC-FEW Vision »

The primary mission of this project is to establish NC-FEW as a hub for a networked improvement community (NIC) that will advance education research and educational programming grounded in the FEW-Nexus.

In pursuit of this mission, we are working toward five explicit goals:

  1. Synthesize current education research on educational programming grounded in the FEW-Nexus
  2. Identify and promote best practices in education research on educational programming grounded in the FEW-Nexus
  3. Foster collaboration among community members representing diverse disciplines, fields, expertise, and institutions
  4. Enhance capacity for extramural funding in support of education research on educational programming grounded in the FEW-Nexus
  5. Cultivate a community identity among NC-FEW participants

Funding and Support

Funding for NC-FEW has been provided by the following: