Analytical Instrument Database
The following instruments can be searched by keyword or by using the "narrow the view" function on the right side of your screen. Additional geochemical instruments may be listed in the On the Cutting Edge Petrology Geochemical Instrument Browse.
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Sample Preparation Equipment & Facilities > Sample Coating (C, Au, Ir, others)
2 matchesResults 1 - 2 of 2 matches
JEOL-6100 Conventional SEM with NORAN EDS detector at ICAL, MSU-Bozeman part of NNCI Instrument Collection
The JEOL-6100 Conventional SEM with NORAN EDS detector can be used to determine mineral composition. Our JEOL has a large sample chamber to accommodate large samples like dinosaur bones and archeological artifacts.
Geosciences Atom Probe Tomography at the University of Alabama part of NNCI Instrument Collection
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Nanotechnology in STEM > Registry of Analytical Equipment > Instrument Registry > Geosciences Atom Probe ...