Analytical Instrument Database

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Mass Spectrometers > SIMS, Secondary ion mass spectroscopy, or Dynamic SIMS

Results 1 - 2 of 2 matches

Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (ToF-SIMS) at the Imaging and Chemical Analysis Laboratory (ICAL), MSU-Bozeman part of NNCI Instrument Collection
ToF-SIMS is widely used in nano-engineering research on semi-conductors and related microelectronics, polymer, thin film, metallurgy, ceramics, energy, and medical devices. ToF-SIMS has not been widely used in Earth and Environmental Sciences, but applications include documenting thin carbon films on mineral grain boundaries, search for biomarkers in the geologic record, interplanetary dust, evidence of magmatic fluids, and studies of coal macerals.

Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer at Arizona State University part of NNCI Instrument Collection
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