Workshop Program: Nanoscience in the Earth and Environmental Sciences—From Theory to Practice
A Pre-Meeting Workshop in Association with the Goldschmidt 2018 Conference Dates: August 11-12, 2018
Go to Participant Workspace
(limited access) »Conveners:
David Mogk, Montana State University (USA); Michael Hochella, Virginia Tech/PNNL (USA); Jim Ranville, Colorado School of Mines (USA)
Recommended Pre-Workshop Reading
To provide overall context for the workshop, and to facilitate our discussions, we encourage participants to read the following articles prior to the workshop:
- Hochella et al., 2008 Nanominerals, Mineral Nanoparticles, and Earth Systems
- Hochella, M.F., Mogk, D., Maher, K., 2016, The new Earth and Environmental Nanoscience and Technology Centers Sponsored by NSF, Elements, vol 12 #1, p. 77-78 (Feb 2016)
- Take a few moments and browse through the resources posted at Teaching Nanotechnology Across the STEM Disciplines
Saturday August 11, 2018: Nanoscience: From Theory....
Introduction to the Workshop (Room CAS 213, Boston University)

8:00-8:15 Registration, informal meet and greet
8:15-8:30 Welcome! Workshop Goals. Introductory Slides
- Introduce the geoscience community to new advances and opportunities to do research in nanoscience.
- Help participants stay current with data, tools, services, and research related to nanogeoscience and nanoenvironmental science.
- Showcase modern instruments, software, and related methods used to sample, analyze, and characterize nanomaterials in Earth and Environmental Sciences.
- Address the "big science questions" related to nanoscience: nanomaterials in the Earth system, impacts on biogeochemical processes, characterization of nanomaterials and their chemical properties at the nanoscale, impacts of nanomaterials (natural and incidental) on the environment and human health.
- Consider ways to effectively teach about "what can't be seen" on the nano-scale; how can we introduce nanoscience across the geoscience curriculum? How can we best train future geoscientists to be prepared to do this exciting new research?
- Build collaborations; develop research networks to facilitate nanoscience research in the Earth and Environmental Sciences.
8:30-9:00 Michael Hochella (Virginia Tech) Nanoscience: The Big Picture (Why Nanoscience is Different, Why is it Important?) (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 45.1MB Mar28 19)
Part I: How is Nanoscience Done?
This session will provide a sampling of current approaches to doing Nanoscience research; a) defining key research questions, b) applications of modern instrumentation, c) practical advice on sampling, sample preparation, and analysis, and d) examples of applications in the Earth and Environmental Sciences; overviews presented by invited speakers followed by group discussion.
9:00-9:30 Mitsu Murayama (VIrginia Tech): Bridging gaps between "nano and micro" and "static and dynamic" - recent technical developments on electron microscopy.
9:30-10:00 Alberto Perez-Huerta (Univ. of Alabama) – Atom Probe Tomography (APT) - "A new window into nano geochemistry (Acrobat (PDF) 20.6MB Mar28 19).
10:00-10:30 Thilo Hofmann (University of Vienna/Duke Univ)--Single particle time-of-flight mass spectrometry as a new tool to investigate and distinguish natural and engineered nanoparticles (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 14.8MB Mar28 19).
10:30-10:45 Break (CAS Lobby)
10:45-11:15 Jim Ranville (Colorado School of Mines) – Applications of Field Flow Fractionation to Studies of Nanomineralogy, Geochemistry, and Mining Contaminant Sites (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 8.9MB Mar28 19)
11:15-11:45 Marc Michel (Virginia Tech)--Laboratory X-ray Scattering: A Toolbox for Understanding How Nanoparticles Grow
11:45-12:30 Small Group Discussion: Birds of a Feather I: New Frontiers of Nanoscience in the Earth and Environmental Sciences
Work in small groups to discuss: a) key research questions, b) emerging approaches, c) instrumentation/experimentation, d) what is needed to successfully do this research? Record your discussions in the provided "work space", and report out at the end of the session. Compile resources (articles, URLs, etc) to add to resource collections. [Topics, Facilitators and reporters TBD]
12:30-1:30 Lunch (Networking–Make a new friend!) A boxed lunch will be served in the George Sherman Union Back Court. This is about a 5 minute walk from the CAS Building (and site of our demonstration session Sunday AM). A chance to get out and get some fresh air!
Part II: A Focus on Nanoscience in the Earth and Environmental Sciences
1:30-2:00 Cynthia Hall (West Chester University, PA) – Using Pb particle size in surface soils as a tool to affect change in national policies around issues of environmental justice (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 54.9MB Mar28 19).
2:00-2:30 Bojeong Kim (Temple Univ.) – Environmental Fate and Behavior of Engineered Nanoparticles that have Natural Analogs (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 18.1MB Mar28 19)
2:30-3:00 Michael Schindler (Laurentian University, Canada )– Nano-petrology and contaminant nano-geochemistry (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 35.9MB Mar28 19)
3:00-3:15 Break (CAS Lobby)
3:15-3:45 Manuel Caraballo (University of Chile) – Application of mass spectrometry to study aqueous inorganic polymers involved in nanominerals non-classical nucleation and growth (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 22.8MB Mar28 19).
3:45-4:15 Emily Estes (University of Delaware) - Tracking the formation of (nano)particulate mineral phases in hydrothermal vent mixing zones (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 40.1MB Mar28 19).
4:15-4:45 Birds of a Feather II Applications of Nanoscience to Address Societal Issues: Work in new small groups to share your experiences in applying principles and outcomes of nanoscience research to contemporary issues (e.g., economic impacts, environmental impacts, humanhealth, possible policy issues....); Record discussions in work spaces and report out at end of session. Compile resources (articles, URLs, etc) to add to resource collections. [Topics, facilitators, and reporters TBD
4:45 Wrap up; Daily Road Check; Preview of tomorrow
Day 2 Sunday August 12, 2018: Nanoscience: ...To Practice
Part III: A Focus on Application of Nanoscience in the Earth and Environmental Sciences
(Bring your own coffee/tea from local coffee shops, or there is service later in the morning from vendors in the Union)
8:00-8:15 Informal "Networking" Set Up Demonstrations (George Sherman Union, small ballroom, upstairs)
8:15-8:30 Welcome Day 2; Reflection and Overview
8:30-11:30 "Share Fair" Demonstrations
This session is designed to provide maximum opportunities for participants to interact with experts in a variety of sub-disciplines of nanoscience. Think of this as a computer-enabled poster session. At the start of this session, we will assemble into small groups in order to distribute the workshop attendees among the demonstrations made by our presenters, which include a number of invited corporate vendors. Then, participants will a) have the opportunity to talk about their own methodologies to get feedback on their research and to build collaborations; or, b) attend additional demonstrations of particular interest to get first hand, practical advice on how to engage a particular line of research. We will "platoon" the demonstrations half way through the morning so that presenters will have the chance to interact with other presenters or corporate vendors at their demonstration sites. The goal is to optimize interactions among the participants and corporate vendors, and to be sure that all participants leave the workshop with practical advice about how to continue their nanoscience research.
Share Fair Schedule of Demonstrations/Assignments (Excel 2007 (.xlsx) 10kB Aug7 18)
Map of Share Fair Demonstration Stations (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 146kB Aug7 18)
Demonstrations will include:- TOFWERK, Olga Borovinskaya-- Time-of-flight ICP-MS, single particle NP analysis
- Perkin Elmer, Chady Stephan -- Q-ICP-MS, single NP/cell analysis
- Cameca Nu--Phil Shaw, will be demonstrating the Cameca Atomic Probe Tomography and the Nu ICP-MS instruments.
- Manuel Caraballo (University of Chile); TBD
- Cynthia Hall (West Chester University, PA)TBD
- Thilo Hofmann (University of Vienna/Duke Univ)--Pitfalls on Nanoparticle Characterisation -- a discussion of practical tips of "do's" and "dont's" in working with nanoparticles.
- Bojeong Kim (Temple Univ.)--The majority of metal and metal oxide nanoparticles in use today are already present in nature as naturally-occurring nanoparticles. Therefore, in this presentation, the application and method development of analytical transmission electron microscopy and laser scanning confocal microscopy to study the environmental behavior and fate of engineered nanoparticles that have natural analogs will be discussed in depth by using both field- and laboratory-scale studies with examples of aluminum oxide, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide and silver nanoparticles.
- Amy Gartner, (USGS)--Nanoparticles and colloids in hydrothermal black smoke. The rapid mixing of hydrothermal fluids and seawater results in the formation of 'black smoke,' or the precipitation of minerals that range in size from nano- to macro-scale. Controls on this precipitation constrain mineral emplacement, whether in hydrothermal chimneys, metalliferous sediments, or the distal hydrothermal vent plume. Although broad similarities exist, and sulfides are the most important component of hydrothermal 'black smoke,' the specific mineralogy, size and therefore reactivity of particles emitted varies between hydrothermal sites in the global ocean, and even at different sites within the same vent field. A comparison among and between sites will be presented.
- Emily Estes, (University of Delaware)--Sampling the diversity of marine hydrothermal nanoparticles
- Mitsu Murayama (Virginia Tech)
- Alberto Perez-Huerta (Univ. of Alabama): Demonstration on how the analysis of Atomic Prove Tomography (APT) data is conducted from the "software point of view." Most of the data analysis is dependent on "user's choices" for peak identifications; I will have a set of blank mass spectra (m/z) and participants will have to identify peaks to find out the mineral analyzed. This is not just useful for the APT data analysis but also for any type of TOF mass spectrometry results.
- Michael Schindler (Laurentian University, Canada )--How do you identify the best location for a focused ion beam extraction of a section in geological material?I will give tips and tricks how to identify the best and most representative location for a focused ion beam extraction of a section in geological material. For this purpose, I will show how I selected locations for FIB section extractions in two very distinct geological materials: Section I: Extraction of FIB sections from alteration rims on volcanic glass in order to understand the formation of Fe-hydroxide nanoparticles in volcanic soils. Section 2: Extraction of FIB sections from a gold-bearing hydrothermal vein in order to determine whether gold has been transported via gold nanoparticles.
- Marc Michel (Virginia Tech)--Determining Nanoparticle Sizes Using Powder Diffraction and Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Methods
- David Mogk (Montana State University)--Application of Nano Auger Spectroscopy to Biocorrosion Processes (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 17.7MB Mar28 19); [Time-of-Flight SIMS Analysis of Carbonaceous Films on Crustal Rocks (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.5MB Mar28 19)
- David Mogk (Montana State University)--Teaching Nanoscience Across the Geoscience Curriculum (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 6.3MB Mar28 19)
- Other Volunteers?
11:30 General Discussion, Clean Up before Noon
12:00-1:00 Lunch (return to Room CAS 213 for afternoon sessions) A boxed lunch will be served in the George Sherman Union Back Court.
1:00-2:00 Birds of a Feather III: New Frontiers of Nano Processes
Small Group discussion and Development of a Personal Action Plan: Future challenges and opportunities, what are the big questions, what are the implications of this research? Brainstorming session. What can we do to help? What resources do you need, access to instruments, contacts with active researchers? (Topics TBD by interest of participants).

2:00-2:15 Online Resources Available to Support Teaching Nanoscience – David Mogk
2:15-3:15 Birds of a Feather IV: How are we going to train the next generation of Nano-Geoscientists? (What and by Whom?)
What are the opportunities, what are the best practices, what resources are needed? Record ideas in the workspaces provided and report out. Use the collection of resources from Nanoscience Topics in the Earth and Environmental Sciences--Ready for Your Classes and work in small group to design an exercise(s) that can then be integrated into an Earth or Environmental class--demonstrations, lab activities, discussion forums..... Use the template provided to outline a new teaching activity that utilizes nanoscience methods and outcomes, define targeted student audience, learning goals, resources available or needed, ... What new activity will be easy for faculty to adopt/adapt, and interesting to promote student learning? IF YOU DON'T REGULARLY TEACH, WE NEED YOUR INPUT ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT STUDENTS TO KNOW/BE ABLE TO DO IF THEY APPLY TO WORK FOR YOU. (Work in small groups–self organized). Record your work in the workspace provided, and plan to repor out at the end of the session.
3:15-3:30 BREAK
3:30-4:00 Break/Report Outs–short descriptions of new teaching activities; open discussion of what is needed, what is available
4:00-4:15 Opportunities to become involved in (US) National Nanotechnology Coordinated Network (NNCI) Facilities, and other related Nanoscience Facilities Access to instruments and facilities Establishing networks and collaborations.
4:15-4:30 Grand Challenges and Opportunities in Nanoscience: Final Reflections on Grand Challenges and Opportunities of Nanoscience in the Earth and Environmental Sciences, Reflections by–Michael Hochella and Jim Ranville
4:30 Closing Town Hall (General Discussion) What do you need to continue the success of your nanoscience programs? What can we do to help support your efforts? How can we all work to expand awareness and participation in nanoscience in the Earth and Environmental Sciences? End of workshop survey.