Initial Publication Date: May 27, 2024
National Informal STEM Education Network (NISE)

The National Informal STEM Education Network brings people together to engage in STEM, understand our world, and build a better future for everyone.
- NISE Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network --"The Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net) was a project funded by the National Science Foundation to create a national community of researchers and informal science educators dedicated to fostering public awareness, engagement, and understanding of nanoscale science, engineering, and technology (Award Nos. 0532536 and 0940143, 2005-2017)."
- NISE Resources Searched for Nano --752 returns
- NISE Zoom Into Science Nano Kit --22 returns
- NISE NanoDays Kit --Public programs, hands-on activities, and professional development resources about nanoscale science, engineering, and technology and their impact on society. Includes event planning and promotion guide, a Book of all Nanodays Activities, and NanoDays digital Kits.
- Nano Mini-Exhibition --"Nano is an interactive exhibition that engages family audiences in nanoscale science, engineering, and technology. Hands-on exhibits present the basics of nanoscience and engineering, introduce some real world applications, and explore the societal and ethical implications of this new technology. "
- Nano and Society Training Materials --"Staff training materials for Nano & Society workshop. The workshop focused on preparing museum educators to engage the public in conversations about the relationship between nanotechnology and society. Workshop participants learned new hands-on activities, full-length programs, and ideas for facilitating visitor experiences in the Nano mini-exhibition."
- Nano and Society Training Videos --These films are part of the NISE Network's "Nano and Society" workshop resources package. These materials were designed to prepare museum educators to engage the public in conversations about the relationship between nanotechnology and society.
- Nanotechnology and Society Guide--"This professional development guide serves as a short introduction to how museum professionals can engage visitors in conversations about nanotechnology and society and help make our science centers a place where the future of nanotechnology is not just imagined, but shaped."
- Nano and Society Workshop (2012) --Includes a rich archive of training resources and educational products.
- NISE Nano Framework and Content Maps
- Nanoscale Informal Learning Experiences: NISE Network Learning Framework --This nanoscale science learning framework tool indicates how our educational experiences support the six interrelated strands of learning documented by the National Research Council.
- Nanoscale Science Informal Learning Experiences: NISE--the NISE Network nanoscale science content map features key ideas for our educational products, including programs, exhibits, and media experiences.
- Engaging the Public in Nano Key Concepts --Professional development guide for educators on Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network.