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Teaching Computation Using MATLAB
Workshop: Carleton College • Northfield, MN
Confirmation deadline is
September 30th
For further information, contact Rory McFadden,
Complete the following form and click on SUBMIT to confirm your registration.
You must complete this form in one sitting; you cannot save a portion and return to fill out the rest later. We'd encourage you to compose your answers to the longer questions in a word processor and to cut and paste the resulting text into this form.
Be sure to click
when you are done. Remember that you will not be able to alter your registration information via this form once you have submitted it, so please be sure you have completed all fields before submitting.
Participant Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Name of Institution:
Name for Badge:
Email Address:
Confirm Email Address:
Please Note:
Your email address is what we use to track your application and participation in the workshop. Be sure to use the same email address in all forms relating to your workshop participation. This email will also be our primary means of communication with you.)
Cell Phone Number (This information is only used to contact you if there are issues that arise during your transit to or from the workshop.)
Diet and Mobility Accommodations
I prefer vegetarian options
Please describe any other food allergies, preferences, or dietary restrictions that require accommodation at the workshop:
Do you anticipate difficulty walking moderate distances?
Workshop Product Release
In confirming my registration for this workshop, I agree that any audio recording or images (still or video) made of me during the workshop may be used on the project website, in printed project publications, and in materials developed by the project. I further agree that my contributions to creative works that emerge from workshop activities (e.g., discussions on the email list, contributions to the web page, summaries of group discussions, etc.) may be used by the workshop series, PIs, and conveners for development of future workshop materials, for scholarly reports, and for promotion of the workshop series. Attribution for original contributions will be made whenever possible.
I also accept responsibility to cover any costs incurred should I withdraw from participation in the workshop after
October 14, 2016
. I understand that arrangements have been made on my behalf that have associated real costs (e.g. logistics, materials), and in many cases, my early confirmation has secured a place that has been denied to other interested colleagues. Exceptions will only be made in cases of extreme personal hardship.
Teaching Computation with MATLAB
Workshops and Webinars
MATLAB Workshop 2024
MATLAB Workshop 2023
Taller con MATLAB 2023
MATLAB Workshop October 2022
MATLAB Workshop November 2022 (CA)
MATLAB Workshop December 2021
MATLAB Workshop October 2021
MATLAB Workshop 2020
MATLAB Workshop 2019
MATLAB Workshop 2018
MATLAB Workshop 2017
MATLAB Workshop 2016
Workshop Synthesis
Workshop Outcomes
Teaching Activities
Planning Workspace
Participant Workspace
Contribute Materials
MATLAB Workshop 2015
Teaching Materials
For Team Members