Initial Publication Date: August 16, 2024

Uncertainty Practice Problems

This module is undergoing classroom implementation with the Math Your Earth Science Majors Need project. The module is available for public use, but it will likely be revised after classroom testing.

Reported mass uncertainty

Problem 1. Geochemists may need to know the total mass of a powdered sample before determining the percent concentration of certain elements. The manufacturer has extensively tested the balance and reports that the uncertainty in any measurement is 0.3%. The electronic display reads 3.67 g. Provide the measurement with the uncertainty value and the uncertainty range.

Reported digital caliper uncertainty

Problem 2. Geophysicist measuring the seismic velocity of samples in a laboratory need to know the total length of a sample precisely before determining P-wave and S-wave velocities through the samples. The manufacturer has extensively tested the digital caliper and reports that the uncertainty in any measurement is 0.2%. The electronic display reads 706.38 mm. Provide the measurement with the uncertainty value and the uncertainty range.   

Interpreting slip rate uncertainty from a graph

Graphs are common ways to display uncertainty, and the ability to accurately interpret such visual representations is an important Earth science skill that can take practice to develop.

Problem 3: Examine the following graph to determine the uncertainty in the geologic fault slip rate (mm/yr) on the San Andreas Fault Mojave section (SAF-Mo).

Estimating instrument uncertainty

Earth scientists use a variety of instruments to make measurements, including many that involve complex electronics and report values to many decimal places. The instructions that come with the instrument (or that can often be found online) may have a list of specifications related to accuracy, precision, drift, etc.

Problem 4: An electronic balance (scale) reads the mass of a microfossil as 0.1059 g. You are reliably getting this value again and again and don't have the instruction book that might tell you more about uncertainty. Report the uncertainty in this measurement.

Estimating uncertainty of an angle measured by a field compass

Problem 5. Your field compass has a marking every degree. Report the bearing to a landmark with the uncertainty value and as an uncertainty range.

Determining uncertainty of rock composition from data

In geochemistry and mining, the concentration of something, such as gold in rocks, needs to be reported with an appropriate confidence interval. Accurately reporting uncertainty is important to be able to later compare multiple values or whether a site is likely to be economically viable for mining or not.

Problem 6: Samples of granodiorite collected in the Sierra Nevada batholith contain some gold, but how much? How do you know how to interpret lab results that are returned to you? Give the uncertainty associated with your answer (95% confidence interval). Use the data set of gold concentration in parts per billion (ppb) data (Comma Separated Values 288bytes Jun5 24) to provide the average concentration with uncertainty, assuming a normal distribution of data.

Calculating the confidence interval for ice thickness from data

Knowing the confidence interval for sea ice thickness is necessary for determining changes in sea ice due to climate change.

Problem 7: Multiple measurements of sea ice thickness have been made in a given area to attempt to represent the average. Give the average ice thickness in centimeters (cm) and the uncertainty associated with your answer (95% confidence interval). Use the data set of ice thickness (cm) data (Comma Separated Values 168bytes Jun5 24) assuming a normal distribution of data.

Calculating the confidence interval for percentage from data

In science, it is often not possible to count everything, but instead we estimate the percent of something such as the percent cover of certain marsh grass species within a specific area.

Problem 8: A randomly selected set of quadrats (squares) have been measured for percent of the species D. spicata. Report the average and the uncertainty associated with your answer (95% confidence interval). Use the data set of D. spicata (%) data (Comma Separated Values 160bytes Jun5 24) assuming a normal distribution of data.


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