Scientific Notation - Practice Problems

Solving Earth science problems with scientific notation

Introductory problems

These problems cover the fundamentals of writing scientific notation and using it to understand relative size of values and scientific prefixes.

Problem 1: The distance to the moon is 238,900 miles. Write this value in scientific notation.

Problem 2: The age of the Earth is roughly 4,560,000,000 years. Write this in scientific notation.

Problem 3: The atomic radius of a magnesium atom is approximately 1.6 x 10-10 meters (m). How do you write this length in standard form?

Problem 4: Along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, fissure A is 4 x 105 m in length and fissure B is 5 x 104 m in length. Convert these to decimal form and then determine which of these fissures is longer?

Problem 5: The amount of carbon in the atmosphere is 750 petagrams (pg). One petagram equals 1 x 1015 grams (g). Write out the amount of carbon in the atmosphere in (i) scientific notation and (ii) standard decimal format.

Advanced Problems

Scientific notation is used in solving these earth and space science problems and they are provided to you as an example. Be forewarned that these problems move beyond this module and require some facility with unit conversions, rearranging equations, and algebraic rules for multiplying and dividing exponents. If you can solve these, you've mastered scientific notation!

Problem 7: Calculate the volume of water (in cubic meters and in liters) falling on a 10,000 km2 watershed from 5 cm of rainfall.

Problem 8A: Dust grains are composed of silicon dioxide (SiO2) that resembles beach sand. If you approximate the dust grains as spheres with radius of 2 x 10-6 meters, what is the volume of such dust grain in cubic meters?

Problem 8B: Silicon dioxide (SiO2) has a density of 3300 kg/m3. If mass = density x volume (m = dv), approximately what is the mass of one of these dust grains in kilograms (kg)?

Problem 9: The Barnard 68 dark nebula has a radius of 0.25 light years where 1 light year = 9.3 x 1015 meters. Suppose that the density of dust grains is about 0.001 dust grains per cubic meter. What is the total mass of dust in this nebula?

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