Initial Publication Date: August 16, 2024

Probability - Practice Problems
Solving Earth science problems with probability

This module is undergoing classroom implementation with the Math Your Earth Science Majors Need project. The module is available for public use, but it will likely be revised after classroom testing.


Many types of sedimentary beds are deposited during events such as floods, storms, or mobilization of turbidity currents. Probabilities govern when such events occur and influence the resulting stratigraphy.

Problem 1: Each year in the spring, a given river in the southwestern US may flood. To assess the flood hazard in the area, you collect a sediment core from the river floodplain that reveals 15 distinct major floods in the past 500 years. What is the probability of a major flood in a given year?

Hurricane prediction


High-intensity, category 5 hurricanes can have devastating impacts on coastal communities. In order to budget for hurricane response, we need to know how often we can expect to experience these hurricanes.

Problem 2: There have been 4 recorded category 5 hurricanes that have made landfall in the US in the last 100 years . What is the probability of having at least one category 5 hurricane over the next 5 years?


Landslides are mass wasting events that occur when the forces promoting collapse of a hillslope exceed the strength of the hillslope materials. Landslides are often triggered by large rainstorms when rapid groundwater infiltration reduces the cohesion, and therefore strength, of hillslope materials.

Problem 3: Imagine that in your community, landslides have occurred 10% of the time that storms have dropped over 3 inches of rain in 24 hours.  Over how many such storms would the total probability of landsliding exceed 50%?


Geochronology is the field of measuring the numerical dates and rates of Earth processes.  Many geochronological techniques use measurements of radioactive isotopes and their daughter products to calculate ages.  For example, volcanic ash beds in sedimentary rocks can be dated by counting radioactive atoms and their daughter products in particular mineral phases.  Radioactive decay over time is measured in terms of half-life, the amount of time after which approximately one half of a group of radioactive atoms will have decayed into their daughter product.  For example, the half-life of uranium-238, a common radioactive isotope, is ~4.5 billion years, so about half of existing uranium-238 atoms will have decayed into lead-206, its stable daughter product, after ~4.5 billion years.  For an individual radioactive atom, when the atom decays is random, and the probability of an individual atom decaying over one half-life is 0.5 by definition.

Problem 4: For a single uranium-238 atom, how likely is it that it will have decayed within 13.5 billion years from now?

Gold Rush

Let's imagine you're a gold miner in the 1840s California Gold Rush. During the Gold Rush, miners rushed to California to establish mining claims in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. From asking other trustworthy miners about their findings, you have learned that out of 400 acres of mining claims, only 4 have been found to have gold.  You are trying to figure out how many acres for which to purchase mining claims using your knowledge of probability.

Problem 5: How many acres do you need to claim to have an overall >50% chance of finding gold?

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