Initial Publication Date: August 16, 2024

Orders of Magnitude - Practice Problems

Solving Earth science problems with Orders of Magnitude

This module is undergoing classroom implementation with the Math Your Earth Science Majors Need project. The module is available for public use, but it will likely be revised after classroom testing.

Estimating Orders of Magnitude

These problems will help you practice estimating orders of magnitude.

Problem 1: An estimate for the average global strain rate in mountains is 1 x 10-14 sec-1. What is the estimated order of magnitude of this value?

Problem 2:  A fast mudflow moves ~100,000 km per year.  What is the estimated order of magnitude of this value?  

Problem 3:  Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world and is ~8,900 m above sea level.  What is the estimated order of magnitude of this value?  

Comparing Estimated Orders of Magnitude

The questions below provide some practice comparing estimated orders of magnitude and applying that knowledge to determine how much larger or smaller a value is.

Problem 4: In structural geology, a researcher has stated that the average strain rate in a certain mountain range is on the order of 1 x 10-15 seconds-1.  How much bigger or smaller is the estimated order of magnitude for this rate compared to the estimated order of magnitude associated with the global average strain rate of 1 x 10-14 seconds-1?  

Problem 5: Two students have calculated values for viscosity based on field measurements they gathered from the same locality.  They come up with two different values; student #1:  4.66217 x 1012 poise; student #2: 3.8145 x 1012 poise.  What is the difference in the estimated orders of magnitude for their calculations?  

Calculating Orders of Magnitude

These problems help you practice determining the order of magnitude of values.

Problem 6: Practice calculating the order of magnitude for a span of time that is 598 years

Problem 7: Practice calculating the order of magnitude for an estimate of the diameter of the Milky Way, roughly 9.5x1017 km  

Problem 8: Some estimates suggest that it takes ~1.5 million years for organic material to reach the conditions needed to convert it to a hydrocarbon.  What is the order of magnitude for this amount of time?

Problem 9: The width of a brachiopod is measured to be 2.2 inches.  Calculate the order of magnitude for this measurement.

Comparing Calculated Orders of Magnitude

The questions below provide some practice comparing orders of magnitude and applying that knowledge to determine how much larger or smaller a value is.

Problem 10: Earth scientists regularly make visual estimates for modal abundances, e.g., how much of a rock is made of quartz?, how many of the sand particles are shells?, how much of a soil is root material?  In this image, there are white crystals surrounded by black groundmass.  If ~99 mm2 of the circle is black and ~1 mm2 is white, what is the difference in the order of their magnitudes?  

Problem 11: A grain of medium sand has a diameter of 0.25 mm.  The diameter of the Earth is ~6370 km.  The Earth's diameter is how many orders of magnitude larger than a grain of medium sand?

Problem 12: This graph shows data for the discharge of a river (in units of cubic feet per second) compared to the return period (in units of years).  Return periods represent estimates of the time between floods of certain sizes.  For instance,  the largest floods will have the highest discharge and they happen less frequently (i.e., they have a longer return period). Scatter plot of discharge (cfs) vs. return period (years). Horizontal axis (return period) is in log-scale. Points follow a linear trend in this semi-log plot.

Q: The discharge in a flood with a return period of ~1 year is ~2000 cfs.  How much more discharge occurs in floods with an order of magnitude longer return period?

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