Module 3: Exploring the Grand Canyon Using WILSIM-GC: Interpreting simulated landforms, cross-sections and profiles

Kyle Whalley, Geography, Northern Illinois University
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In this exercise, students interpret simulated landforms, cross-sections, and profiles generated by WILSIM-GC, a computer simulation of the development of the Grand Canyon. For each type of simulation output, the students first hypothesize which model parameter was altered to produce the simulated image, then test their hypothesis and discuss the results.

We recommend that students complete Module 1 (How Stratigraphy and Fluvial Processes Affect the Development of the Grand Canyon) and Module 2 (Exploring the Effects of Each Model Parameter in WILSIM-GC) in preparation for this exercise.

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Learning Goals

Content Goals

After successfully completing this exercise, students will be able to interpret simulated landforms, cross-sections, and profiles generated by WILSIM-GC. More precisely, when presented with model output generated by setting one of the parameters (subsidence rate, rock erodibility, hard/soft contrast, and cliff retreat rate) to a non-default value, they will be able to identify which one it is.

Higher Order Thinking Skills

After successfully completing this exercise, students will be able to formulate and test hypotheses about the effects of model parameters on model output.

Context for Use

Course Type

Undergraduate course in geography or geology

Prerequisite Skills

Students should be familiar with the processes of fluvial geomorphology. They should also know how to use WILSIM-GC (including adjusting simulation parameters) and should be familiar with what the simulation parameters represent, geologically.

Where this activity fits in the course

This exercise follows an introduction to WILSIM-GC, and begins to guide students though landscape interpretation via simulation output. As such, it is intended as preparation for interpreting the geological processes responsible for landscape evolution in the real world. We recommend that students complete Module 1 (How Stratigraphy and Fluvial Processes Affect the Development of the Grand Canyon) and Module 2 (Exploring the Effects of Each Model Parameter in WILSIM-GC) in preparation for this exercise.

Description and Teaching Materials


Assess the students' understanding by reviewing their answers to the questions.