Share an Activity

Your submission becomes a web page. If you have a WILSIM-based teaching activity that you would like to share with other college faculty across the country, tell us about it. The information you provide here will be used to create a web page describing your activity. You are encouraged to upload files to accompany your example.

Avoiding duplicate activities: Before you complete this form, please check the SERC activity collection (opens in a new window) to see if the activity already exists in our collections. This is especially important if you are contributing an activity that is based on another person's activity or that others may use in their course. If your activity is very similar to one that is already in our collections, please email SERC for options on how to proceed.

Copyright: You retain all rights to your contributed work and are responsible for referencing other people's work and for obtaining permission to use any copyrighted material within your contribution. By contributing your work to this web site, you give the WILSIM project a license for non-commercial distribution of the material, provided that we attribute the material to you. View our terms of use (opens in new window) for more details about this kind of Creative Commons license (opens in new window).

There are two ways to use this form:

Thank you in advance for sharing your activity!

Type of Activity

To help your colleagues understand when or how they might successfully use your activity with their own students, please provide the following information on context.

To help your colleagues understand the role of this activity or assignment in your course, please provide a statement of the goals that you have for students in the following three areas:

Please provide a full description of your activity or assignment and its outcomes. Be sure to include essential key words or index terms to help users find resources using our search/browse functions. The sample description below is intended as a model.

Sample Description
To prepare for this exercise, each student chooses one data set that has been used to tackle the question of recurrence interval of large earthquakes and seismic risk in the Cascadia subduction system and reads several articles from the literature (turbidites, tree rings, coastal subsidence, the orphan tsunami of AD 1700). Each student comes to class prepared to present the data to a group of classmates, and the group puts the various studies together to evaluate the overall question of recurrence interval and risk. This activity gives students practice in reading the literature, interpreting data sets, analyzing uncertainty and limitations of data, synthesizing disparate data sets to address a problem, and peer teaching.

Supporting Materials

You may upload up to five files to accompany your submission. If you have more than five files, we recommend that you upload the first 5 using this form and then attaching the rest by editing your activity page after you hit the submit button. Any files uploaded here will be embedded in the final page so that users can download them.

Please be sure all materials you upload can be freely redistributed. If you have questions, please read our information about copyright (opens in new window).

Teaching Notes

Please share any notes and tips you have for instructors who might use the activity. Information such as common areas of confusion, things that need reinforcement, and pointers for making the best use of the activity are appropriate.