Kyle Whalley
Northern Illinois University
Website Content Contributions
Activities (10)
Using the "Visualization Interval" in WILSIM-GC to Model the Shape of the Grand Canyon Through Time part of WILSIM:Activities
Students use the computer simulation WILSIM-GC to explore what the Grand Canyon might have looked like at various times in its history.
Using the "Simulation End Time" Parameter in WILSIM-GC to Model the Shape of the Grand Canyon in the Past and Future part of WILSIM:Activities
Students use the computer simulation WILSIM-GC to explore what the Grand Canyon might look like in the future, assuming that the processes that have shaped it until now continue at similar rates.
Using WILSIM-GC to Model the Cliff Retreat Rate in Grand Canyon part of WILSIM:Activities
Students use the computer simulation WILSIM-GC to explore how the "cliff retreat rate" of the walls of the Grand Canyon affects the shape and development of the canyon.
Using the Hard/Soft Contrast Parameter in WILSIM-GC to Model Lithostratigraphy in the Grand Canyon part of WILSIM:Activities
Students use the computer simulation WILSIM-GC to explore how the "hard/soft contrast" of the walls of the Grand Canyon affects the shape and development of the canyon.
Using WILSIM-GC to Model the Subsidence Rate Along Grand Wash Fault, in the Grand Canyon part of WILSIM:Activities
Students use the computer simulation WILSIM-GC to explore how the "subsidence rate" on Grand Wash Fault affects the shape and development of the Grand Canyon.
Using WILSIM-GC to Model Rock Erodibility in the Grand Canyon part of WILSIM:Activities
Students use the computer simulation WILSIM-GC to explore how the "rock erodibility" of the walls of the Grand Canyon affects the shape and development of the canyon.
Module 1: How Stratigraphy and Fluvial Processes Affect the Development of the Grand Canyon part of WILSIM:Activities
Students examine the relationship between fluvial processes, stratigraphy, and landform evolution. Fundamental concepts of fluvial geomorphology are introduced in the context of the development of the Grand Canyon.
Module 2: Exploring the Effects of Each Model Parameter in WILSIM-GC part of WILSIM:Activities
Students use WILSIM-GC to simulate the development of the Grand Canyon, and learn about how each variable in the simulation affects the resulting topography.
Module 4: Exploring the Grand Canyon Using WILSIM-GC: Changing multiple parameters simultaneously part of WILSIM:Activities
Students explore the effects of changing multiple parameters simultaneously in WILSIM-GC. Through this exploration, students develop an understand of how the physical model parameters interact with each other, and relate those interactions to the geological processes that control the development of the landscape.
Module 3: Exploring the Grand Canyon Using WILSIM-GC: Interpreting simulated landforms, cross-sections and profiles part of WILSIM:Activities
Students interpret simulated landforms, cross-sections, and profiles generated by WILSIM-GC, a computer simulation of the development of the Grand Canyon. For each type of simulation output, the students first hypothesize which model parameter was altered to produce the simulated image, then test their hypothesis and discuss the results.