« Advancing Scientific Ocean Drilling Impact through Public Engagement
Please introduce yourself to the group. Tell us who you are and a sentence or two about what brings you to the workshop. Thanks!
This post was edited by Lisa White on Jun, 2021
Hi everyone, I’m Lisa White, Director of Education at the University of California Museum of Paleontology. I’m interested in exploring more effective practices for sharing scientific ocean drilling research with broader audiences.
Hi everyone, I’m Lisa White, Director of Education at the University of California Museum of Paleontology. I’m interested in exploring more effective practices for sharing scientific ocean drilling research with broader audiences.
Aloha kakou, my name is Randi Wold-Brennon and I'm a K-12 teacher on the island of Hawai'i. I'm looking forward to some enriching discussions in our workshops. I'm particularly interested in seeing how we can network and create new, unexpected connections between our communities.
This post was edited by Jon Lewis on Jun, 2021
Howdy, I'm Jon Lewis, Professor of Geoscience at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). I work in the realm of structural geology and tectonics, mostly in Taiwan as of late. I am also working (with Sharon Cooper) to understand the impact that short-duration, seagoing experiences have on STEM-interested undergrads. My undergrad-only department at IUP requires all majors to do research, so this keeps me out of trouble. I'm keen to see the scientific importance and societal relevance of scientific ocean drilling much more widely known.
Howdy, I'm Jon Lewis, Professor of Geoscience at Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). I work in the realm of structural geology and tectonics, mostly in Taiwan as of late. I am also working (with Sharon Cooper) to understand the impact that short-duration, seagoing experiences have on STEM-interested undergrads. My undergrad-only department at IUP requires all majors to do research, so this keeps me out of trouble. I'm keen to see the scientific importance and societal relevance of scientific ocean drilling much more widely known.
This post was edited by Sharon Cooper on Jul, 2021
Hi all! I'm Sharon Cooper, one of the workshop conveners. I am one of the leaders of E&O efforts for the U.S. office of IODP. This workshop has been a dream of mine for a number of years now and I am very excited about bringing together such a great group to brainstorm new ideas and directions for the future!
Hi all! I'm Sharon Cooper, one of the workshop conveners. I am one of the leaders of E&O efforts for the U.S. office of IODP. This workshop has been a dream of mine for a number of years now and I am very excited about bringing together such a great group to brainstorm new ideas and directions for the future!
Hi Everyone!
My name is Jose Cuevas, and I am a graduate student studying marine biogeochemistry at Boston College. I am broadly interested in scientific pedagogy (especially regarding the earth and ocean sciences!) and before going to graduate school I worked as an informal K-12 educator at an aquarium on the west coast.
My name is Jose Cuevas, and I am a graduate student studying marine biogeochemistry at Boston College. I am broadly interested in scientific pedagogy (especially regarding the earth and ocean sciences!) and before going to graduate school I worked as an informal K-12 educator at an aquarium on the west coast.
This post was edited by Robin Frisch-Gleason on Jun, 2021
Hello Everyone,
My name is Robin Frisch-Gleason. I am a geologist and educator, and just retired from teaching K-12 for Ann Arbor Public Schools. I have been involved in 3 Antarctic expeditions, as both a scientist and educational outreach officer. I am particularly interested in the polar regions and climate change. I am currently giving presentations and outreach about climate change for the Al Gore's Climate Reality Project. I am excited to work with all of you!
Hello Everyone,
My name is Robin Frisch-Gleason. I am a geologist and educator, and just retired from teaching K-12 for Ann Arbor Public Schools. I have been involved in 3 Antarctic expeditions, as both a scientist and educational outreach officer. I am particularly interested in the polar regions and climate change. I am currently giving presentations and outreach about climate change for the Al Gore's Climate Reality Project. I am excited to work with all of you!
Hi, I am Carl Brenner, the Director of the U.S. Science Support Program (USSSP) and a long time participant in various aspects of scientific ocean drilling. On behalf of USSSP, I want to thank you for participating in the IMPACT workshop series and contributing to our strategic plan for communications in the coming years.
Hello everyone! I'm Laura Guertin, a Professor of Earth Science at Penn State Brandywine (right outside of Philadelphia). My training is in marine geology & geophysics, and my research focuses on pedagogical approaches in introductory-level geoscience courses (what I teach, as the only geologist on my campus). As someone that engages in alot of science communication & outreach events for non-STEM audiences, I'm really looking forward to this workshop and my upcoming cruise on the JOIDES Resolution for EXP #390!
Hi everyone!!
I am the Assistant Director, Education and Outreach for the U.S. Science Support Program. With a background in geophysics, geology and science communication, I am super keen to work with you all to find the best ways to spread the amazing stories and scientific research coming out of IODP. Your thoughts and ideas will be worked into our new Strategic Communications Plan, helping us plan for the future. So exciting.
I am the Assistant Director, Education and Outreach for the U.S. Science Support Program. With a background in geophysics, geology and science communication, I am super keen to work with you all to find the best ways to spread the amazing stories and scientific research coming out of IODP. Your thoughts and ideas will be worked into our new Strategic Communications Plan, helping us plan for the future. So exciting.
Hello, I'm Suzanne OConnell and a professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences at Wesleyan University (in CT). I've been involved with scientific ocean drilling for most of my professional life, starting as the Science Coordinator for JOIDES in 1978, later as a staff scientist for ODP. Most of my students do research on ocean sediments. My favorite place in the world is the JOIDES Resolution.
Hi Everyone,
I am a faculty member in the Geology and Earth Science Department at James Madison University. Our department is undergraduate only and we place a high priority on getting every student involved in research. I am a teaching faculty member focusing primarily on classes for non-science majors. This is a role I enjoy because I believe it is so important for everyone to understand why science is important to society.
I am a faculty member in the Geology and Earth Science Department at James Madison University. Our department is undergraduate only and we place a high priority on getting every student involved in research. I am a teaching faculty member focusing primarily on classes for non-science majors. This is a role I enjoy because I believe it is so important for everyone to understand why science is important to society.
Hi! My name is Kristen St John and I too am a professor in the Geology and Environmental Science Department at James Madison University. Scientific Ocean Drilling has been part of my life ever since graduate school when I sailed as a sedimentologist on ODP 163 off the coast of Greenland. Since then, I've sail a few more times and worked on samples from sites around the global ocean. I have a passion for connecting scientific research practices and findings to education, and enjoy developing curriculum materials and lab activities that model how research is done.
Hi! I'm Wendy Bohon and I'm an earthquake geologist and the Senior Science Communication Specialist for the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology. I'm excited to learn more from each of you and see ways that we can connect and amplify this exciting work!
This post was edited by Marlo Garnsworthy on Jun, 2021
Hi! I'm Marlo Garnsworthy, and I am an author (primarily nonfiction), illustrator, editor, designer, and science communicator. I'm the veteran outreach officer of two Antarctic research cruises, most recently on IODP Expedition 382 on the wonderful JOIDES Resolution (with Suzanne!), the best job I've ever had! I'm in love with scicomm (especially polar scicomm) and hope to return to the sea ASAP and as often as possible.
Hi! I'm Marlo Garnsworthy, and I am an author (primarily nonfiction), illustrator, editor, designer, and science communicator. I'm the veteran outreach officer of two Antarctic research cruises, most recently on IODP Expedition 382 on the wonderful JOIDES Resolution (with Suzanne!), the best job I've ever had! I'm in love with scicomm (especially polar scicomm) and hope to return to the sea ASAP and as often as possible.
Hi, I am Sara Satolli. I sailed twice on the JOIDES Resolution as a Paleomagnetism, and I am supposed to sail again when Exp395 will be rescheduled. I am Associate Professor in Italy, and I am interested in this workshop because I think outreach about IODP program could be greatly improved in my country, and I hope to do my part in it in the Marine Geology class that I will start to teach next year.
Hello! My name is Rehemat and I am currently a Programme Manager at NERC in the UK. I am a foraminifera geochemist by training, and absolutely love scicomm and enthusing different audiences with the wonderful world of earth and ocean sciences! I've not sailed on a cruise before, but I worked on (I)ODP samples during my PhD and postdoc and incorporate IODP into outreach activities that I deliver too.
Super excited about the workshop series, and to meet and learn from everybody!
Super excited about the workshop series, and to meet and learn from everybody!

Hi Everyone! I'm Lauren Haygood, and I am a graduate student at Oklahoma State University. My research background is in trace metal biogeochemistry. I also work on science policy and science communication efforts, including citizen science. I'm looking forward to meeting and learning from you all!
Hi everyone! I'm Laura Haynes and I'm a faculty member at Vassar College. My research field is also in foraminifera geochemistry and I sailed last January on Expedition 378. I've recently started working with students on re-vamping our department's geology museum and I think it could be a great venue for IODP-related outreach and exhibits. I'm really excited to learn from all of your experiences & expertise!
Hi Everyone! My name is Kevin Kurtz. I'm a children's author and informal science educator who has been involved with IODP education and outreach efforts for 12 years. I'm excited to discuss and learn about new ideas and ways to engage the public with the science and story of ocean drilling research and to meet help these efforts meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.
Hi all, I'm Emily Estes, a staff scientist/expedition project manager with the JOIDES Resolution. I'm excited to learn about creative ways to reach new audiences, and to think about how to support outreach from within IODP.
Hi all, I'm Katharine Edwards, a high school marine science teacher in Florida. I hope to soak up as much information from all you amazing people and incorporate it into my curriculum. I'm always seeking ways to engage students with activities and introduce them to current research and future career opportunities.
Hi I am Adina Paytan a paleoceanographer from UCSC and I am also involved in many education and outreach programs focused on climate and ocean literacy
Hi everyone, I'm Nan XIAO. I'm from the Mantle Drilling Promotion Office, Institution for Marine-Earth Exploration and Engineering (operator of Chikyu), JAMSTEC. I look forward to learning from all of you.
Hello, I am Carmen Gaina, a marine geoscientist from Australia. I study the global evolution of oceanic basins and I am eager to learn more about creative ways for disseminating ocean sciences.
Hello, I'm Brandi Murphy. I work at UNOLS and am a former marine technician with a decade of experience facilitating research aboard ships of the U.S. Academic Research Fleet.
Hello, I'm Mohammed Hashim, a Ph.D. candidate at Western Michigan University. I study marine carbonate geochemistry and its importance for paleoclimate and oceanography. I'm excited to learn more about outreach and new ways to engage both students and the general public.
Hi everyone!! My name is Emily Tibbett and I am a graduate student at the University of Southern California. During grad studies I've done a few different ouotreach events to talk to the public and grade school students about geology, Antarctic paleoclimate, and what it is to be a scientist. I'm excited to learn how others have communicated science and to brainstorm ideas on how to improve science outreach to increase interest and diversity in geosciences!
This post was edited by Deborah Tangunan on Jun, 2021
Hi everyone! My name is Deborah Tangunan, a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at Cardiff University. I am involve in a number of science outreach activities as a storybook writer and illustrator, science slammer, as well as giving public lectures and training to kids about the seas and oceans. With this workshop, I look forward to get updates on current and new platforms of sharing science and hope to connect with fellow scientists and educators on future projects.
Hi everyone! My name is Deborah Tangunan, a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at Cardiff University. I am involve in a number of science outreach activities as a storybook writer and illustrator, science slammer, as well as giving public lectures and training to kids about the seas and oceans. With this workshop, I look forward to get updates on current and new platforms of sharing science and hope to connect with fellow scientists and educators on future projects.
Hello everyone I'm Brad Prather. I am a retired Chief Exploration Geoscientist from Shell. I currently teach courses now and then at Kansas Univeristy, research the Jurassic of the Gulf Coast with colleagues at Alabama Univeristy and consult. I have been involved with the IODP off and on for a couple of decades. I am particularly interested in seeing the integration of seismic stratigraphy, sedimentology and marine geology.
Hello, my name is CaTameron Bobino, but please call me CaT. I am a STEM advocate and love to share stories of people in STEM. I have a podcast where I interview people about their careers and how they obtained them. I also present to children about the joys and options of picking a STEM career. I am interested in learning more about geology and the pathways into careers so that I can share that information with students.
Hello everyone;
My name is Kramer Wimberley and I am a board member and lead instructor for an organization called Diving With a Purpose. We are a maritime cultural and environmental preservation and documentation group. We work to document and tell the stories of historically significant submerged resources.
My name is Kramer Wimberley and I am a board member and lead instructor for an organization called Diving With a Purpose. We are a maritime cultural and environmental preservation and documentation group. We work to document and tell the stories of historically significant submerged resources.
Hello all -
I am Susanne Straub, a Igneous Geochemist at Lamont working on arc volcanism. I am involved with IODP since ages and I am looking for strategies how to convey best my the goals and doing of research on the IODP drill cores to K-12 students and teachers and to public.
I am Susanne Straub, a Igneous Geochemist at Lamont working on arc volcanism. I am involved with IODP since ages and I am looking for strategies how to convey best my the goals and doing of research on the IODP drill cores to K-12 students and teachers and to public.
Hi everyone! My name is Jamie Asan, I am currently an undergraduate student at CUNY Queens College. I am a junior and I am looking forward to learning about the different ways to inform and engage communities about scientific ocean drilling. My research experience includes studying and interpreting the data that was collected from the 2016 R/V SONNE S0251 Japan expedition. I interpreted the cores and identified the signature of 2011 Tohoku earthquake event from two depositional environments. I am currently working on cores that were extracted from the Eastern region of Long Island Sound and interpreting the findings. I am looking forward to learning more in tomorrows workshop.
Hi All, I'm Don Haas, the Director of Teacher Programming at the Paleontological Research Institution in Ithaca, NY and affiliated with Cornell University. I've sailed twice on the JOIDES Resolution, once as a participant in the School of Rock program for educators, and a second time as an instructor. My biggest interests are in climate and energy education, which I regard as the most important issues facing society today - and which can only be deeply understood through understandings of Earth system science. I also recognize that to best address these issues, we must attend to issues of equity and justice and broaden participation in science, not only in terms of preparation for college and career, but, more importantly, for the meeting of civic responsibilities.
And, ask me about why I'm holding a 2x4 in my picture.
And, ask me about why I'm holding a 2x4 in my picture.
Hello, I am Shital Godad, Postdoctoral fellow at National Taiwan University, Taiwan. I work on marine carbonates, nitrogen isotopes. I am also leading a citizen science project of my department. I look forward to interact and connect with scientist and learn about sharing science with general public.
Hi from the JR! I am Sarah Kachovich from Australia and I am current Imaging Specialist for the JRSO, on expedition 395C, offshore Iceland. I will put this workshop up in the conference room so JRSO staff and crew can also join in.
Onshore, I help run the JRSO twitter account, and when there is no scientists onboard, I also help out the JR accounts to make sure there is always updates of life onboard going out to the public. The JRSO has also launched it's DEI lab working group, where I server as sub-committee co-coordinator for the social media group. I love my job, and I am excited to join in on the discussion to learn how to better reach and engage with diverse groups.
Onshore, I help run the JRSO twitter account, and when there is no scientists onboard, I also help out the JR accounts to make sure there is always updates of life onboard going out to the public. The JRSO has also launched it's DEI lab working group, where I server as sub-committee co-coordinator for the social media group. I love my job, and I am excited to join in on the discussion to learn how to better reach and engage with diverse groups.
ShareHi All, my name is Sean Gulick. I am a research professor at the Institute for Geophysics, associate chair at the Dept. of Geological Sciences, and co-director of the Center for Planetary Systems Habitability all within the Jackson School of Geosciences, University of Texas at Austin. My experience with outreach and science communications largely stems from my works at co-chief for IODP Expedition 341 to the Gulf of Alaska and then more recently with much greater intensity my experiences with being co-chief on IODP Expedition 364- Drilling the K-Pg Chicxulub impact crater. This latter expedition has had a sustained public and media interest in the four years since the drilling was complete and I am happy to discuss with any interested the trials and tribulations of doing IODP science under that level of interest and media attention. Looking forward to the conversations and learning more about best practices.
This post was edited by Alice Doyle on Jun, 2021
Hi! My name is Alice Doyle and I work in the UNOLS (University National Oceanographic Laboratory Systems) Office which helps to facilitate the US Academic Research Fleet and the UNOLS Community. We are always looking for ways to increase community outreach and science communication around the US Academic Research Fleet. I hope to share our experiences and gain new insights on promoting STEM, training future science and technical leaders and reaching out to and engaging the general public on sea-going science.
Hi! My name is Alice Doyle and I work in the UNOLS (University National Oceanographic Laboratory Systems) Office which helps to facilitate the US Academic Research Fleet and the UNOLS Community. We are always looking for ways to increase community outreach and science communication around the US Academic Research Fleet. I hope to share our experiences and gain new insights on promoting STEM, training future science and technical leaders and reaching out to and engaging the general public on sea-going science.
Hi, I am Henry Dick, a senior scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. I am an igneous and metamorphic petrologist with a strong background in mapping and sampling in ophiolites and ocean ridges. My research emphasis is on the architecture of the ocean crust and shallow mantle and their relationship to specific ridge environments. I have been on 8 ocean drilling legs, beginning with DSDP Leg 46 in 1976, 3 as co-chief scientist, and 4 as the principal proponent. My interest in deep drilling is the lower ocean crust and mantle, with particular interest in drilling the MOHO.
Hi All! I'm Adriane Lam, a postdoc fellow at Binghamton University, a paleoceanographer, and paleontologist. I'm also the co-creator of Time Scavengers, an educational website built for the public to learn more about science, namely climate change and evolutionary theory. I've sailed on IODP. Exp. 371 and will sail next year on Exp. 390/393.
Hi everyone,
I am a geology professor at Queens College, CUNY (City University of New York). My main research focus is understanding climate changes of the past during time intervals when atmospheric CO2 was higher than today. I have been on a number of scientific drilling expeditions ranging from Antarctica all the way to New Jersey! The work that IODP is full of discovery, adventure, passion, and excitement. Also, so much of its research has real-life consequences for our future in terms of understanding climate change, other hazards, and other aspects of our planet. So I look forward to working with everyone so IODP can become as familiar to the public in the near future as NASA is today.
I am a geology professor at Queens College, CUNY (City University of New York). My main research focus is understanding climate changes of the past during time intervals when atmospheric CO2 was higher than today. I have been on a number of scientific drilling expeditions ranging from Antarctica all the way to New Jersey! The work that IODP is full of discovery, adventure, passion, and excitement. Also, so much of its research has real-life consequences for our future in terms of understanding climate change, other hazards, and other aspects of our planet. So I look forward to working with everyone so IODP can become as familiar to the public in the near future as NASA is today.