Shelley Whitmeyer
Geology and Environmental Science
James Madison University
Website Content Contributions
Activities (3)
Shoreline Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise part of NAGT:Our Resources:Teaching Resources:Teaching Materials Collection
This assignment uses the Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) developed by the USGS to evaluate multiple factors that affect shoreline stability.
Learn more about this review process.
GIS Analysis of Shoreline Change Using the Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) part of Teach the Earth:Teaching Activities
The Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) is a software extension for ArcGIS that allows for automated shoreline change calculations along the coast. The user must supply the shoreline data and the software ...
Coastal Investigation Using SandSnap Database part of Teach the Earth:Teaching Activities
Students will learn about sediment properties and use these properties to analyze coastal processes. Data for this activity is provided. Students will infer the direction of longshore transport and test their ...
Conference Presentation (1)
Coastal Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2016:Program:Teaching Demonstrations:Thursday A
Over the next century sea level is likely to increase 26-82 cm (IPCC 2013). This increase in sea level will leave some highly populated, sensitive coastal areas vulnerable to rapid geologic changes. It is important ...
Other Contributions (2)
Shoreline Evaluation (introductory activity) part of NAGT:Our Resources:Teaching Resources:Teaching Materials Collection
In this project, students will evaluate the stability of a coastal location of their choice along the coast of Virginia. The evaluation framework presented in this activity has been adapted from the US Geological ...
From the Emerald Isle to the Red Planet: How to Make your Virtual Field Trip out of this World part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2021:Program:Morning Workshops:From the Emerald Isle to the Red Planet: How to make your virtual field trip out of this world
Many high-impact, field-focused geoscience learning experiences have gone virtual to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and maintain the continuity of this important aspect of students' preparation. ...

Eastern Section, Geoscience Education Research Division
July 2021 Earth Educators Rendezvous 2020
July 2020 Earth Educators Rendezvous 2016
July 2016 Integrate/GETSI 2023 Survey
GETSI Interest Group
Natural Hazards and Risks: Hurricanes Interest Group
Teach the Earth
Workshop Leader
Workshop Participant (16 workshops)
April 2022 Engaging the Public Workshop, June 2021
June 2021 EER 2020 Inquiry Based Labs
July 2020