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Initial Publication Date: December 21, 2006

Allgood, S., W. Bosshardt, W. van der Klaauw and M. Watts, 2004. What Students Remember and Say About College Economics Years Later . American Economic Review, 94 (2), 259-265.

Crouch et al., 2007. Peer instruction: Engaging students one-on-one, all at once . Reviews in Physics Education Research v.1: Research-based reform of University Physics.

Dufresne, R.J., W.J. Gerace, W.J. Leonard, J.P. Mestre, and L. Wenk, 1996. Classtalk: A Classroom Communication System for Active Learning . Journal of Computing in Higher Education v7 p3-47.

Fostay Young, S. and R. J. Wilson, 2000. Assessment and Learning: The ICE Model . Winnipeg: Portage and Maine Press.

A.C. Graesser and N.K. Person, 1994. Question Asking During Tutoring . American Educational Research Journal v31 no.1 p104-137.

Hake, 1998. Interactive-engagement vs. traditional methods: A six-thousand-student survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses . American Journal of Physics v66 p64-74.

Kelly, Rob, 2010. Strategies for Teaching Large Classes: A Faculty Focus Special Report from The Teaching Professor . Magna Press.

Judson and Sawada, 2002. Learning from Past and Present: Electronic Response Systems in College Lecture Halls . Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching v. 21, n. 2, p. 167-181.

King, 1993. From Sage on the Stage to Guide on the Side . College Teaching v41 no1 p30-35.

Lyman, 1987. Think-Pair-Share: An expanding teaching technique . MAA-CIE Cooperative News, 1, 1-2.

Mazur, 1997. Peer Instruction: A User's Manual . New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

McConnell, D.A., D.N. Steer, and K.A. Owens, 2003. Assessment and Active Learning Strategies for Introductory Geology Courses . Journal of Geoscience Education v51 no2 p205-216.

Miller, Joshua and Robert Rebelein, 2011. Research on the Effectiveness of Non-Traditional Pedagogies . The International Handbook on Teaching and Learning Economics.

NSF, 1996. A New Way to Learn: Students Argue About Physics . Frontiers November issue.

Paulson, 1999. Active Learning and Cooperative Learning in the Organic Chemistry Lecture Class . Journal of Chemical Education v76 no8 p1136-1140

Peterson, Sarah E. and Jeffrey A. Miller, 2004. Comparing the Quality of Student's Experiences during Cooperative Learning and Large-Group Instruction . The Journal of Education Research v97 n3 p123-133

Rao, S. P., and S. E. DiCarlo, 2000. Peer instruction improves performance on quizzes . Advances in Physiology Education 24 (1): 51–55.

S. J. Reynolds and S. M. Peacock, 1988. Slide observations - Promoting active learning, landscape appreciation, and critical thinking in introductory geology courses . Journal of Gescience Education v46 no5 p421-426.

Roberts, 2000. Reinforcing quantitative skills with applied research on tombstone-weathering rates . Journal of Geoscience Education v48 p469-473.

Saroyan, Alenoush and Linda S. Snell, 1997. Variations in Lecturing Styles . Higher Education v33 n1 p85-104.

Tewksbury, 1995. Specific Strategies for Using the Jigsaw Technique for Working in Groups in Non-Lecture-Based Courses . Journal of Geological Education v43 p322-326.

Twigg, Carol A., 2003. Quality and Reducing Cost: Designs for Effective Learning . Change v35 n4 p22-29.

Watts, M. and W. E. Becker, 2008. A little more than chalk and talk: Results from a third national survey of teaching methods in undergraduate economics courses . Journal of Economic Education 39(3) p273-286

Wenzel, 1999. The lecture as a learning device . Analytical Chemistry v71, p817A-819A.

A.R. Zimmerman and M.C. Smith, 2006. Engaging Today's Students in Earth Science 101 . EOS 87(34)

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