Dear InTeGrate and GETSI Communities,
You're receiving this email because you signed up for an InTeGrate or GETSI interest group. We wanted to share with you exciting updates to these materials that address the currency of their data and promote their long-term use.
- Materials where robustness of data needed strengthening: As part of The Improving Sustainability of Data-rich Activities through the Community Contribution Tool workshop at the 2024 Earth Educators' Rendezvous, participants identified and updated materials where the robustness of data may need to be strengthened. At the bottom of this email, we've included a list of the modules that received updates.
- If you've continued to use these materials and have insights you would like to share with the community, we encourage you to use the Community Contribution Tool. You can find a link to it on any activity.
- If you would like to track whether others share back their experiences with the materials you've authored, you can get email notifications about the materials you've authored by going to the Favorites interface and clicking the Track My Contributions button. You can learn more about this new feature in the Favorites documentation page.
- Learn more at the upcoming webinar Updated data-rich activities to use in your classroom now Mon Feb 3, 2pm ET
Sean Fox
on behalf of
Ellen Iverson, Beth Pratt-Sitaula, Sandrine Matiasek, and Rachel Teasdale
List of InTeGrate and GETSI modules that have updates
Updates varied and included addressing out-of-date technology instructions, correcting broken links to data sources, providing more current data sets, and updating associated handouts, slides, or other instructional materials accordingly. You can find more detailed information in the revision history link available under the authorship information on individual activity pages.
Eyes on the Hydrosphere: Tracking Water Resources
Ice Mass and Sea Level Changes
Measuring the Earth with GPS: Plate Motion and Changing Ice-Water
Monitoring Volcanoes and Communicating Risks
Surface Process Hazards: Living with Landslides
Understanding Our Changing Climate: Data Behind Melting Ice and Changing Sea Level
Climate of Change: Interactions and Feedbacks Between Water, Air and Ice
An Ecosystem Services Approach to Water Resources
Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resources
Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resources - Spanish Adaptation
Humans' Dependence on Earth's Mineral Resources
Living on the Edge: Building resilient societies on active plate margins
Major Storms and Community Resilience
Mapping the Environment with Sensory Perception
Cli-Fi: Climate Science in Literary Texts