Virtual Mini Short Course Series
The mini short course series was held during the 2020-2021 academic year.
This virtual short course series is designed to support undergraduate instructors interested in using GETSI modules. Each mini-course is two hours long and will focus on one of the published GETSI modules. Unlike a webinar, these mini-courses will include interactive opportunities for instructors to actually work through parts of student exercises, discuss ideas with peers, and work on implementation planning.
The mini-courses are intended for undergraduate instructors: college and university faculty (including adjunct), post-docs expecting to teach soon, and graduate students with teaching or TAing responsibilities. Secondary K-12 teachers are also welcome; the introductory level modules have been successfully adapted to K-12. You may attend multiple mini-courses and receive the $50 stipend for each. Maximum of 50 registrants per mini-course.
All mini-courses and GETSI teaching modules are available free.
Mini-courses have these elements
- Watch ~7 minute video (MP4 Video 10.4MB Oct20 20) prior to the first mini-course you attend
- Participate in the full 2-hour session
- Complete an Implementation Planning Form by the Sunday following the mini-course (expected time ~20-30 minutes; you will have some time near the end of the 2-hour session but may need to take a bit of additional time to complete your plan and feedback).
- $50 stipend* for participants who complete the Implementation Planning Form by the deadline. Must be US citizen or permanent resident to receive stipend; however others are welcome to participate without compensation.
*Must be US citizen or permanent resident to receive stipend; however, others are welcome to participate without compensation.
You may attend multiple mini-courses. Stipends will be compiled and sent out after the end of the term during which the mini-course was held.
Past Mini-courses
- Teaching about Eyes on the Hydrosphere: Tracking Water Resources [Introductory-level module]
Date: Wednesday, April 14, 2021
10 am-12 pm PT | 11 am-1 pm MT | 12-2 pm CT | 1-3 pm ET | 5-7 pm UTC - Teaching about Modeling Flood Hazards [Majors-level module]
Date: Thursday March 25, 2021
Time: 12-2 pm PT | 1-3 pm MT | 2-4 pm CT | 3-5 pm ET | 7-9 pm UTC - Teaching about Planning for Failure: Landslide Analysis for a Safer Society [Majors-level module]
Date: Thursday March 11, 2021
Time: 12-2 pm PT | 1-3 pm MT | 2-4 pm CT | 3-5 pm ET | 8-10 pm UTC - Teaching about Monitoring Volcanoes and Communicating Risks [Introductory-level module]
Date: Wednesday February 24, 2021
Time: 8-10 am PT | 9-11 am MT | 10 am-12pm CT | 11 am-1 pm ET | 4-6 pm UTC - Teaching about Measuring the Earth with GPS: Plate Motion and Changing Ice-Water [Introductory-level module]
Date: Tuesday February 9, 2021
Time: 12-2 pm PT | 1-3 pm MT | 2-4 pm CT | 3-5 pm ET | 8-10 pm UTC - Teaching about Our Changing Climate: Data Behind Melting Ice and Changing Sea Level [Majors-level module]
Date: Thursday January 28, 2021
Time: 12-2 pm PT | 1-3 pm MT | 2-4 pm CT | 3-5 pm ET | 8-10 pm UTC - Teaching in the Field about High Precision Positioning with Static and Kinematic GPS/GNSS [Majors-level module]
Date: Tuesday November 17, 2020
Time: 12-2 pm PT | 1-3 pm MT | 2-4 pm CT | 3-5 pm ET | 8-10 pm UTC - Teaching about Measuring Water Resources with GPS, Gravity, and Traditional Methods [Majors-level module]
Date: Wednesday November 4, 2020
Time: 12-2 pm PT | 1-3 pm MT | 2-4 pm CT | 3-5 pm ET | 8-10 pm UTC - Teaching about Surface Process Hazards: Living with Landslides [Introductory-level module]
Date: Thursday October 22, 2020
Time: 12-2 pm PT | 1-3 pm MT | 2-4 pm CT | 3-5 pm ET | 7-9 pm UTC
Beth Pratt-Sitaula - prattsitaula AT