The Eyes in the Sky II project website has not been significantly updated since 2012. We are preserving the web pages here because they still contain useful and ideas and content. But be aware that the site may have out of date information.

Week 12: Comparing Geospatial Tools

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Weekly Goals

  • Understand how to calibrate and analyze images in which pixel values represent real world measures, such as temperature or reflectance.
  • Understand how satellite data helps us investigate how animals in the ocean move around.
  • Be able to use GIS analysis techniques to measure, analyze, and explore animal tracks in relation to satellite imagery.
  • Be able to use Google Earth techniques to investigate animal tracks in relation to satellite imagery.
  • Share your ideas about one data analysis technique you have learned and how you might use it in your classroom teaching.
  • Provide feedback on what you are learning and the process of learning it.

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List of This Week's Tasks

  1. Density calibrate and make measurements on an image downloaded from NASA NEO.
  2. Find out about NASA's role in studying the oceans.
  3. Add X,Y data, query, symbolize, and measure GIS data to investigate animal tracks.
  4. Use a time slider to step through turtle tracks, embed a video in a placemark, and explore data in Google Earth's Ocean layer.
  5. Contribute to an online discussion centered on using geospatial analysis techniques in your teaching.
  6. Answer the Week 12 Feedback questions.

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A Look at the Week Page by Page

Exploring Ocean Data with ImageJ

This page reviews the process of downloading images from NASA NEO and provides instructions for how to density calibrate images.

If you are pressed for time, complete just the first part, where you density calibrate the sea surface temperature image.

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Eyes on Dr. Yi Chao

Today, there are several ocean-observing satellite missions, measuring topography, wind, temperature, and more. Meet Dr. Yi Chao, a scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who uses satellite data to learn more about the roles different parameters play in the dynamic conditions and cycles of the oceans, and the impact these parameters have on climate and weather.

If you are pressed for time, read the background information and save exploring the Resources for later.

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Exploring Ocean Data with GIS

This page introduces you to the format (Geotiff) of the images used on the GIS pages.

  • Exploring Ocean Data with AEJEE
  • Exploring Ocean Data with ArcGIS
  • Exploring Ocean Data with My World

On these parallel pages, review GIS analysis techniques as you analyze the tracks of olive ridley sea turtles.

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Exploring Ocean Data with Google Earth

Explore ocean data and take a dive with top ocean predators. Take a screenshot of sea turtle tracks overlaid on either a sea surface temperature (SST) or a chlorophyll image from NEO. This is the image that you'll post to your discussion section.

This weekly activity is required and is due on Tuesday, May 11, 2010.

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Share and Discuss

This page allows you to access your discussion section plus gives you the opportunity to provide us feedback.

Feedback is optional and anonymous. However, if you have time to provide feedback, you can help us better meet your needs.

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Posting on your weekly discussion section page (i.e. JSC 1, JSC 2, etc.)

Compare the analysis capabilities of the three geospatial tools featured this weekImageJ, GIS, and Google Earthand how you were able to interact with ocean data using each of the different tools. Choose a technique from one of these tools (e.g., animating, querying, making a tour, etc.) and discuss with your colleagues how you might use it with your students. It is helpful if you create a new thread when you post your Tuesday assignment. Then use the reply function to "talk" to others in your section about their ideas.

This weekly activity is required and occurs from Tuesday, May 11, through Thursday, May 13, 2010.

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Review Session Sign-Up Form

Please fill in all of the information requested below to sign up for a Module 2 Review Session. You may only sign up for one review session. Please note that start times are given in EST. Adjust accordingly for your home time zone! Make sure all information is accurate before hitting Submit.

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