The Eyes in the Sky II project website has not been significantly updated since 2012. We are preserving the web pages here because they still contain useful and ideas and content. But be aware that the site may have out of date information.

Week 10: Exploring Precipitation Patterns

Weekly Goals

  • Become familiar with the types of data you can import into Google Earth (ie. KML/KMZ, GPS, photos, image overlays).
  • Understand how satellite data helps us understand precipitation patterns.
  • Understand how to use placemark images and links to complement scientific datasets in Google Earth.
  • Learn how to use Google Earth to compare multiple datasets.
  • Share your ideas about how you might use different types of Google Earth data in your classroom teaching.
  • Provide feedback on what you are learning and the process of learning it.

List of This Week's Tasks

  1. Import a variety of data into Google Earth.
  2. Find out how Dr. George Huffman is trying to obtain a more comprehensive picture of global precipitation patterns by taking advantage of the strengths of multiple satellite sensors in one "best-estimate" product.
  3. Add images and links to a placemark to complement a precipitation dataset.
  4. Compare satellite and ground-based rainfall data for the state of Arizona, using Google Earth.
  5. Contribute to an online discussion centered on using different types of Google Earth data in your teaching.
  6. Answer the Week 10 Feedback questions.

A Look at the Week Page by Page

Intro to Importing Data into Google Earth

This page provides an overall introduction to the types of data you can import into Google Earth. You will learn how to find Google Earth data online and how to bring KML/KMZ files, photographs, and image overlays into Google Earth.

If you are pressed for time, focus on learning how to import KML/KMZ files and watch all the movies.

Eyes on Dr. George Huffman

Meet Dr. George Huffman, a scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, who uses satellite data to study global precipitation patterns.

If you are pressed for time, read the background information and save the Resources for later.

Getting to Know Combining Data in Google Earth

This page introduces you to combining multiple kinds of data in Google Earth.

Use Giovanni to generate a KMZ data file for a precipitation event of interest to you. Import your KMZ file into Google Earth and add a placemark with an image that complements the precipitation data. Take a screenshot showing the precipitation data, placemark, and the placemark description balloon showing the photo you added. This is the image that you'll post to your discussion section. This is the image that you'll post to your discussion section.

This weekly activity is required and is due on Tuesday, April 27, 2010.

Using Google Earth to Visualize Rain Patterns

This page guides you through a comparison of satellite and ground-based rainfall data for the state of Arizona, using Google Earth.

If you are pressed for time, be sure to practice selecting and downloading Giovanni precipitation data to bring into Google Earth.

Share and Discuss

This page allows you to access your discussion section plus gives you the opportunity to provide us feedback.

Feedback is optional and anonymous. However, if you have time to provide feedback, you can help us better meet your needs.

Posting on Your Weekly Discussion Section Page (i.e. JSC 1, JSC 2, etc.)

Discuss with your colleagues how you might use different types of Google Earth data with your students. It is helpful if you create a new thread when you post your Tuesday assignment. Then use the reply function to "talk" to others in your section about their ideas.

This weekly activity is required and occurs from Tuesday, April 27, through Thursday, April 29, 2010.

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