E-Compete Outcome Categories and Components

To compare the outcome categories and components used in E-Compete with those used in EvaluateUR or E-CURE, view the full EvaluateUR Method Outcomes Table

A full list of categories and components assessed in Evaluate-Compete. Additional program-specific outcomes may be added to assessments as well.

Jump down to view competition-specific outcomes for MATE ROV Competitions or Baja SAE Competitions

More on Compatibility with MATE-ROVE Competition Scoring

E-Compete General Outcomes

Outcome Categories Evaluate-Compete Outcome Components
Communication Demonstrates the ability to communicate the engineering process and vehicle design to a wide audience.
Effectively uses images, diagrams, and data to communicate designs and processes.
Writes clearly and concisely using correct grammar, spelling, syntax, and sentence structure.
Creativity Shows ability to approach problems from different perspectives.
Effectively connects multiple ideas/approaches.
Demonstrates the ability to apply knowledge and skills in new and innovative ways.
Entrepreneurship Demonstrates the ability to apply skills in new and innovative ways to creative a product or service that meets customers' needs.
Demonstrates an understanding of business operations and budget.
Demonstrates the ability to manage a project.
Autonomy Demonstrates an ability to work independently and identify when guidance is needed.
Accepts constructive criticism and uses feedback effectively.
Shows flexibility and a willingness to take risks and try again in the event of failure.
Ability to Deal with Obstacles Is not discouraged by setbacks or unforeseen events and perseveres when challenges are encountered.
Shows flexibility and a willingness to take risks and try again.
Demonstrates ability to quickly improvise and implement a solution to fix a design or equipment problem.
Intellectual Development Recognizes that problems are often more complicated than they first appear.
Approaches vehicle design challenges with an understanding that there can be more than one acceptable solution.
Displays insight into the limits of their knowledge and an appreciation for what isn't known.
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Maintains a posture of open-minded skepticism when considering potential solutions to design and operational challenges.
Looks for the root causes of problems and develops or recognizes the most appropriate corrective actions.
Demonstrates the ability to evaluate alternative designs and/or operational solutions.
Project Knowledge and Skills Displays an understanding of the engineering and scientific principles and practices relevant to vehicle design and operation.
Possesses the skills needed for vehicle design and operation.
Demonstrates mastery of the skills required to compete successfully.
Teamwork/Collaboration Behaves with a high level of collegiality and treats others with respect.
Shows ability to work effectively in a team.
Willingly shares knowledge among team members and amongst other teams (as applicable).

MATE ROV E-Compete Outcomes

Competition-specific Outcome Categories Evaluate-Compete Outcome Components
Vehicle Design, Buoyancy, Propulsion Displays knowledge and demonstrates application of buoyancy principles to vehicle design/buoyancy/ballast
Displays knowledge of the physical properties of water (e.g. increased pressure with depth) and applies that knowledge to vehicle/system design.principles to vehicle design/buoyancy/ballast.
Displays knowledge of the principles of hydrodynamics/Newton's Laws of Motion and the application of those principles to vehicle design/propulsion
Systems Design Demonstrates an understanding of relevant engineering principles and the application of those principles to the design of the vehicle systems
Structure Demonstrates the ability to analyze and describe trade-offs and rationale for vehicle cost, size, and weight
Control/Electrical Demonstrates an understanding of electrical concepts and the application of those concepts to vehicle control/electrical system.
Demonstrates the ability to integrate software and electronics into the vehicle control systems
Sensors/Payload/Tools Displays knowledge of sensors and tooling and the ability to identify and evaluate sensors and tooling (including cameras) to meet competition mission requirements
Displays knowledge of computer science/programming and the application of that knowledge to control/sensor systems
Safety Understands and applies safety principles to personnel, equipment and operations
Project Management Demonstrates the ability to organize into a company structure with appropriate roles and responsibilities for each individual team member
Demonstrates the ability to identify and apply strategies for organizing, staying on task, and completing the vehicle and other competition requirements (e.g., technical report, poster, presentation)
Demonstrates the ability to create and track a budget (e.g., basic understanding of accounting)
Demonstrates operational and organizational effectiveness via a task and time management plan
Technical Presentation Demonstrates the ability to develop detailed documentation
Demonstrates the ability to present relevant documentation to support the ROV design
Displays the ability to create a marketing display that clearly explains the ROV design
Demonstrates the ability to explain the benefits and weaknesses of the ROV design
Technology and Society Understands how the competition theme(s) relate to real-world issues
Understands how solving specific mission tasks relates to addressing real-world technical problems
Demonstrates an awareness of environmental, societal, and governance (ESG) factors and how organizations and corporations are taking these into consideration when making decisions about business and workplace practices

Baja SAE E-Compete Outcomes

Baja SAE Competition-Specific Outcome Categories Evaluate-Compete Outcome Components
Baja SAE Project knowledge and skills Displays an understanding of the engineering and scientific principles and practices relevant to vehicle design and operation.
Possesses the skills needed for vehicle design and operation.
Demonstrates mastery of the skills required to compete successfully.
Vehicle Components and Safety Demonstrates knowledge about the function of the Baja SAE vehicle components including: cockpit, roll cage, driver restraint and equipment, engine, fuel system, vehicle controls, powertrain guards, electrical system, tow points fasteners and attachments, vehicle identification and markings.
Demonstrates an understanding and application of safety principles to personnel, equipment and operations.
Design Evaluation (Static Event) Demonstrates the ability of the team to create the vehicle design.
Demonstrates the ability of the team to fabricate and test the vehicle.
Demonstrates the ability to determine how the vehicle works as a whole using: computer aided drafting, analysis of design components, testing and refinement of components, manufacture of a working version of component, serviceability of component. This applies to the following systems: suspension, steering, brakes, drivetrain/powertrain, 4wd/awd, chassis and ergonomics.
Cost Evaluation (Static Event) Demonstrates the ability to propose various idea(s) for possible cost reduction.
Demonstrates the ability to fully develop cost reduction ideas.
Demonstrates the ability to perform the virtual analysis and/or real-world testing that students have completed on the cost reduction proposals.
Demonstrates the ability to describe how the cost reduction affects the component's performance, durability, or other aspects.
Business Presentation (Static Event) Demonstrates the ability to develop a concept proposal and present it for support (e.g., sponsor funding or other type(s) of support).
Demonstrates the ability to provide sufficient information in an oral presentation to convince the audience to invest in the company. Presentation content includes: unique value add proposition, business need, vehicle design (consumer facing features specifically), manufacturing and supply chain, marketing, sales and distribution, aftermarket, financials.
Demonstrates thorough knowledge and understanding of factors associated with promoting their product.
Demonstrates the ability to present in organized and effective ways: thoughts are presented in a logical order of progress, transitions from thought to thought are clear and concise, distinct introduction and overviews as well as summary and conclusions are given, visual aids are used or clear visual references are made to the car.
Acceleration, Traction, Maneuverability and Specialty Events (Dynamic Events) Demonstrates the understanding of the vehicle's ability to come up to speed quickly from a standing start.
Demonstrates the understanding of the vehicle's relative ability to climb an incline from a standing start or pull a designated object (e.g., progressive weight skid, vehicle, or chain along a flat surface).
Demonstrates the understanding of the vehicle's agility and handling ability over off-road terrain.
Demonstrates the understanding of the vehicle's ability to run under off-road conditions that might be specific to a particular Baja SAE competition site.
Endurance (Dynamic Events) Demonstrates the understanding of the vehicle's ability to operate continuously and at speeds over rough terrain with obstacles in potentially adverse weather conditions (e.g., rain, snow, and others).
Project Management Demonstrates the ability to organize into a company structure with appropriate roles and responsibilities for each individual team member.
Demonstrates the ability to identify and apply strategies for organizing, staying on task, and completing the vehicle and other competition requirements (e.g., technical report, poster, presentation).
Demonstrates the ability to create and track a budget (e.g., basic understanding of accounting).
Demonstrates operational and organizational effectiveness via a task and time management plan